Absolute Boilers 750-900-1050
Absolute Boilers 750-900-1050
Instructions: Adjust thermostat so appliance will operate continuously.
Test for spillage near and around the each of the gas appliances after 5 minutes of main burner operation.
After determining that each appliance remaining connected to the common venting system properly vents when
tested as outlined above, return all doors, windows, exhaust fan, fireplace dampers and any other gas burning
appliance to their normal positions.
Any improper operating of the venting system must be corrected so the installation conforms to either ANSI Z223.1/
NFPA 54 or CAN/CSA B149.1 gas installation codes. When resizing any portion of the common venting system,
the common venting system shall be resized to approach the minimum size as determined using the appropriate
tables in Part II of ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54 gas code &/or CAN/CSA B149.1 natural gas and propane installation
code. When resizing any portion of the common venting system, the common vent system should be resized to
approach the minimum size as determined using the appropriate tables in Appendix F in the National Fuel Gas
code ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54 and or CAN/CSA B149.1 Natural Gas and Propane Installation guide