MC97F6108A User’s manual
Revision history
Revision history
2014.10.22 1.00
First creation
2015.09.01 1.01
Added VDD rising rate.
Removed LVDRF flag in RSFR register.
Removed IRCOFF in SCCR register.
Removed LVROFF in BODR register.
Changed timing for detecting the Comparator2 output when it is used to
auto-period mode.
Removed POL flag in PPGCR1 register.
Changed the offset spec of OP-Amp & Analog Comparator.
2015.09.22 1.02
Fixed the incorrected phrases.
2015.11.19 1.03
Changed development tools.
- No longer support PGMPlusUSB, PGMPlusLC ADAM Single Writer,
ADAM Gang8.
2015.11.26 1.04
Changed the default settings to be enable for the BOD.
2016.01.07 1.05
Changed the initial value of RSFR register.
2016.02.24 1.06
Changed the initial value of BODR register.
2016.03.14 1.07
Corrected FLASH Endurance Spec to 10,000 times.
2016.06.29 1.08
Deleted 16/20 PDIP package information.
Correct Internal RC-OSC error rate in Table 39. Recommended
Operating Conditions.
2017.12.12 1.09
Added Device Nomenclature.
2020.03.03 1.10
Updated Device Nomenclature.
Updated OCD II Picture.
Changed the description of SCCR register
2020.06.23 1.11
Renewed the contents of a manual including text format, description and
so on.
2021.02.09 1.12
The status of DSCL/DSDA is added at Table 28. Boot Process