User Operations Guide—Mira Instant Replay Server
Copyright ©2014, Abekas Incorporated
Revised: 5 September 2014
When one logs into the Mira Explorer program at the “Administrator” level, one will have access to all of the features of Mira Explorer,
including the ability to assign privileges to the three levels of users (“Administrator”, “Privileged User” and “Guest”), as well as to change
the passwords required for the two higher levels of users (“Administrator” and “Privileged User”).
The “Guest” level of login never requires a password.
This section of the document is divided into several operational procedures; please find the procedure you’re interested in from the list
below, and then go to that page in the document.
Login as Administrator into Mira Explorer .................................................... Page 117
Change Administrator Configurations ........................................................... Page 118
Select Columns displayed in Mira Explorer .................................................. Page 120