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Negative: This indicates that the drug concentration in the oral fluid sample is below the designated cutoff level for that specific drug.
Positive: This indicates that the drug concentration in the oral fluid sample exceeds the designated cutoff level for that specific drug.
Invalid: A result could not be provided for that specific drug.
Select OK using the right select key to move onto the next screen.
On occasion prior to the results screen being displayed you may see an additional analysis screen which is shown below. This screen may be
present for a maximum of 60 seconds.
Completing the questionnaire
The SoToxa™ Mobile Analyzer allows additional donor information to be captured alongside the test result. If the questionnaire set has
been enabled on the analyzer, the questionnaire will be entered following the results screen. The questionnaire can be enabled or disabled by
changing the analyzer settings. Refer to section 8.3.6 Questionnaire for instructions on how to enable and disable the questionnaire.
The questions included in the questionnaire can be configured using the Software Application Suite. If the Software Application Suite is not
being used, the analyzer will use the standard questionnaire set.
Step 1: Use the five way navigation key to scroll up or down to select the correct information.
Step 2: Any of the individual questions can be skipped by either selecting Skip, or scrolling through the options until Skip or – is reached.
Step 3: To make a selection, press OK.
Step 4: At the end of the questionnaire, a summary of the information entered will be displayed.
Step 5: If the information is correct, select OK using the right select key or if something needs to be changed, select Back with the left select key to
return to the questions.
Step 6: Selecting OK will accept the questionnaire and move on to the next screen.
Step 3
Step 4