Operation Manual / 4 Product description / A100-L
Taking a turbocharger out of operation
Page 94 / 113
© Copyright 2016 ABB. All rights reserved.
Revision H
November 2016
Procedure with one installed turbocharger
Locking the rotor
Cooling of a locked rotor
Serious damage to engine or property can be caused by the overheating of
intact turbocharger components.
If the gas inlet is not blanked off, the lubricating oil supply remains switched
on (Further information for operation of 2-stroke engines, with blocked rotor).
If there is a lubricating oil leak on the turbocharger, stop the oil supply.
Locking of the rotor on the compressor wheel
Serious damage to engine or property can be caused by excessive vibra-
tions and unbalance values if set screws (balancing screws) are loosened or
unscrewed on the compressor wheel.
Before recommissioning of the turbocharger, the compressor wheel must be
balanced at an ABB Turbocharging Service Station.
Do not screw any set screws that have become unscrewed into the com-
pressor wheel again.
Balance the compressor wheel.
A locked rotor must be removed after emergency operation and checked for unbalance.
The removal, the unbalance check and the installation of the rotor must be carried out by an
ABB Turbocharging Service Station.
The exception concerns customer requirements for test bed runs of new engines at a maxi-
mum engine load of up to 25 %.
In these cases, subsequent removal of the rotor is not required as the engine is only operated
briefly with a locked rotor.
In these test bed runs, it is not allowed to remove any set screws from the compressor wheel
when fitting the locking device (94003) (Fitting the locking device).