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5 - Installation
nput connection to PV generator (DC side)
After having carried out preliminary checks and therefore having verified
that there are no problems in the photovoltaic system, and the channel
configuration has been selected (parallel or independent) you may con
nect the inputs to the inverter.
According to the system configuration, check the correct setting of the channels to indepen
dent or in parallel mode. An incorrect setting of the input channels can lead to loss of energy
Comply with the maximum input current relating to the quick-fit connectors as indicated in
the technical data.
Polarity inversion can cause serious damage. Check polarity before connecting each string!
When the photovoltaic panels are exposed to sunlight they provide continuous DC voltage
to the inverter. To avoid risks of electrical shock,
all wiring operations must be carried out
with the DC disconnect switch (internal and external to the inverter) and AC discon-
nect switches (external to the inverter) OFF.
Caution! The inverters referred to in this document are TRANSFORMERLESS. This type
requires the use of insulated photovoltaic panels (IEC61730 Class A Rating) and the need to
keep the photovoltaic generator floating with respect to ground: no terminal of the generator
must be connected to ground.
For the string connections it is necessary to use the quick fit connectors
(usually Weidmüller PV-Stick or WM4, MultiContact MC4 and Amphenol
H4) located on the bottom of the mechanic
Refer to the document “String inverter – Product Manual appendix” avai
lable at www.abb.com/solarinverters to know the brand and the model
of the quick fit connector. Depending on the model of the connector of
the own inverter, it is necessary to use the same model and the respec-
tive counterpart (check the compliant counterpart on the website of the
manufacturer or in ABB)
Using corresponding parts that are not compliant with the quick fit connector models on the
inverter could cause serious damage to the unit and lead to invalidation of the warranty.