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eneral conditions
Some recommendation apply only to large size product or multiple small size product packaging.
ransport and handling
Transport of the equipment, especially by road, must be carried out with
means for protecting the components (in particular, the electronic com-
ponents) from violent shocks, humidity, vibration, etc.
During handling, do not make any sudden or fast movements that
can create dangerous swinging.
ABB usually stores and protects individual components by suitable me-
ans to make their transport and subsequent handling easier, but as a
rule, it is necessary to utilize the experience of specialized staff in change
of loading and unloading the components.
The ropes and equipment used for lifting must be suitable for bearing the weight of the
Do not lift several units or parts of the equipment at the same time, unless
otherwise indicated.
npacking and checking
Packaging elements (cardboard, cellophane, staples, adhesive tape,
straps, etc.) may cause cuts and/or injuries if not handled with care. They
should be removed with the proper equipment.
The components of the packaging must be disposed on in accordance with the regulations in
force in the country of installation.
When you open an equipment package, check that the equipment is un-
damaged and make sure all the components are present.
If you find any defects or damage, stop unpacking and consult the car
rier, and also promptly inform ABB Service.
Lifting and transport