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3 - Characteristics
utual connection of multiple inverters
If the photovoltaic system exceeds the capacity of a single inverter, it is
possible to connect multiple inverters to the system, each of them in turn
connected on the DC side to an appropriate section of the photovoltaic
generator, and on the AC side to the distribution grid.
Each string inverter will work independently of the others and its own
photovoltaic module will supply the maximum power available to the grid.
otes on the system sizing
Decisions on how to structure a photovoltaic system depend on a series of factors and con-
siderations, such as the type of panels, the space availability, the future location of the sys-
tem, energy production goals over the long term, etc.
A configuration program that can help to correctly size the photovoltaic
system is available on the ABB website (http://stringsizer.abb.com).