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3 - Characteristics
haracteristics of a photovoltaic generator
A PV electric system consists of an assembly of photovoltaic modules
that transform solar radiation into DC electrical energy and can be made
up of:
Strings: number of PV modules connected in series
Array: group of strings connected in parallel
trings and arrays
The string technology was developed to significantly reduce the instal
lation costs of a photovoltaic system, mainly associated to wiring on the
DC side of the inverter and subsequent distribution on the AC side. A
photovoltaic module consists of many photovoltaic cells mounted on the
same support.
• A string consists of a certain number of module connected in series.
• An array consists of two or more strings connected in parallel.
Large photovoltaic systems can include multiple arrays connected to one
or more inverters.
The greater the number of panels in each string, the lower the cost and
the less complex the wiring connections of the system.