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2 - Characteristics
afety devices
In the event of a local grid outage by the electricity company, or when
the equipment is switched off for maintenance operations, the inverter
must be physically disconnected to ensure the protection of the people
working on the grid, in accordance with the relevant national laws and
regulations. To prevent possible islanding, the inverter is equipped with
an automatic safety disconnection system called “Anti-Islanding”.
Anti-islanding protection mechanisms are different depending on the grid standards, even if
they all have the same purpose.
round fault of the photovoltaic panels
This inverter must be used with panels connected in "floating" mode,
i.e. with no earth connections on the positive and negative terminals.
An advanced ground fault protection circuit continuously monitors the
ground connection and disconnects the inverter when a ground fault in-
dicating the fault condition by means of the red "GFI" LED on the LED
panel on the front side.
ther safety devices
The inverter is equipped with additional protective devices to ensure safe
operation in any circumstance. These protections include:
- Constant monitoring of the grid voltage to ensure that voltage and fre-
quency values remain within operating limits;
- Internal temperature control to automatically limit the power if necessa-
ry to prevent overheating of the unit (derating).
The numerous control systems determine a redundant structure to ensure absolutely safe