Customised message
Select Record message. The list of messages will appear. Up to 9 different messages can be
recorded, each 14 seconds long.
If programmed, the personal message can be played after the specific pre-recorded
message that the central unit sends after an event.
The message should always indicate where the reported event occurred. E.g. a
generic customised message might say “in Mario Rossi's house, via Roma 15, Milan”.
Select the number corresponding to the message that you wish to record. The recording
window will open.
Press the OK key to start recording. After about 2 seconds, the scroll bar appears to indicate
the progressive recording time.
Press the OK key again to interrupt recording.
To check the quality of the recording, use the Test System > Telephones menu to send the
voice message.
Phone message sending sequence
SMSs are immediately sent to all configured numbers.
Voice calls follow these rules:
The numbers programmed for voice calls are called in order.
If the phone number is busy and there is no answer after 4 rings, the central unit
cancels the call and moves on to the next phone number on the list.
Once the first cycle of calls is complete (all of the active telephone numbers), the
central unit will attempt to call back the numbers that did not respond. The central
unit will perform 3 call cycles for the numbers that did not respond, before
interrupting the message sending sequence.
The voice message is repeated 3 times before the central unit terminates the call.
The message sent consists of a pre-recorded part specific to the event that triggered the
voice call, and a variable part, which follows the first part. This may be a customised recorded
message or, if no customised message has been recorded, the generic message "at the anti-
theft system".
Audio Message
1 >
Message 1