1. Description
SMU615 is a dedicated substation merging unit intended for
measuring current and voltage signals from the instrument
transformers and merging them into the standard digital output
format that other devices can further use for various power
system protection application purposes. SMU615 itself
includes no protection functionality but it offers the physical
interface into the switchgear primary equipment, that is, circuit
breaker, disconnector and earthing switch. SMU615 is a
member of ABB’s Relion® product family and is characterized
by the compactness, simplicity and withdrawable-unit design.
SMU615 has been designed to unleash the full potential of the
IEC 61850 standard for communication and interoperability in
the digital substations. SMU615 supports process bus
according to IEC 61850-9-2 LE with IEEE 1588 v2 time
synchronization and both conventional CT/VT inputs and
sensor inputs.
2. Application configurations
SMU615 is fully configured to perform its designed primary
function in the system as a merging unit and it includes only the
relevant functions needed for maximum simplicity.
SMU615 is available in two alternative application
configurations that can be selected depending on the amount
of additional physical interfaces required. Both the application
configurations can be selected either with conventional CT/VT
inputs or with sensor inputs.
The merging unit is delivered from the factory with a default
configuration including its internal connections. System level
connections for the sampled measured values (SMV) and
GOOSE signals are required between the devices.
Table 1. Application configurations
Appl. conf.
Merging unit with analog inputs
Merging unit with analog inputs, binary I/O and remote control
Substation Merging Unit
1MRS758420 B
Product version: 1.0
Issued: 2019-05-17
Revision: B