The calculation result is visible only in PCM600 output window on
the Logging tab.
GUID-7D8A8338-CCB4-4812-BC72-723D6D948CEF V1 EN
Figure 58:
Configuration load result: an example of different messages shown in
Parameter Setting
Configuration and setting parameters can be changed with LHMI, WHMI or with the
Parameter Setting tool in PCM600.
Some parameters are only visible in the Parameter Setting tool and
some only on the LHMI.
A common writing from PCM600 to the protection relay, where
parameters are changed in the Parameter Setting tool, overwrites any
parameter changes made locally with LHMI.
All parameters displayed in the parameter list can be sorted into two groups.
Configuration parameters
Setting parameters
Configuration parameter
The configuration parameter specifies the operation mode of an application function
or of the protection relay. These are basic configurations that are normally configured
only once and then not modified again. The protection relay configures itself during
start-up according to the given configuration parameter values.
Setting parameter
Setting parameter (short form: “setting”) is a parameter that can be changed in the
protection relay at runtime.
1MRS759117 A
Section 5
Protection and control engineering
Engineering Manual