GUID-0172E722-C571-47B7-880F-E7500397BC59 V1 EN
Figure 57:
Application Configuration tool: validation on demand
Validation when writing to protection relay
When writing the application configuration to the protection relay, an automatic
validation is performed. Errors abort the writing.
Configuration load calculation
The connectivity package calculates an estimated application configuration load
every time it is saved in Application Configuration or written to the IED. This
functionality prevents too complex configurations from being used and possibly
risking IED protection functionality.
Calculation results are divided into two different sections: OK and Error. At 100
percent, PCM600 can give either an OK or an error message because the connectivity
package rounds the actual limit to the closest percentage. If the calculation result is
above 100 percent, PCM600 always gives an error message and prevents writing the
configuration to the IED as the configuration is too large for the IED to handle. The
configuration is written to the IED if the result is below the error range.
Section 5
1MRS759117 A
Protection and control engineering
Engineering Manual