26. Ordering for Accessories
IP15151-1 v1
GPS antenna and mounting details
M12374-3 v5
GPS antenna, including mounting kits
1MRK 001 640-AA
Cable for antenna, 20 m (Appx. 65 ft)
1MRK 001 665-AA
Cable for antenna, 40 m (Appx. 131 ft)
1MRK 001 665-BA
Interface converter (for remote end data communication)
M16668-3 v9
External interface converter from C37.94 (64kbps) to G703
1MRK 002 245-AA
External interface converter from C37.94 (64kbps/2Mbps) to G703.E1
1MRK 002 245-BA
Test switch
SEMOD111888-5 v12
The test system COMBITEST intended for use with the IEDs
is described in 1MRK 512 001-BEN and 1MRK 001024-CA.
Please refer to the website:
for detailed information.
Due to the high flexibility of our product and the wide variety
of applications possible the test switches needs to be
selected for each specific application.
Select your suitable test switch base on the available
contacts arrangements shown in the reference
However our proposals for suitable variants are;
Single breaker/Single or Three Phase trip with internal neutral
on current circuits (ordering number RK926 315-AK).
Single breaker/Single or Three Phase trip with external neutral
on current circuits (ordering number RK926 315-AC).
Multi-breaker/Single or Three Phase trip with internal neutral
on current circuits (ordering number RK926 315-BE).
Multi-breaker/Single or Three Phase trip with external neutral
on current circuit (ordering number RK926 315-BV).
The normally open "In test mode" contact 29-30 on the RTXP
test switches should be connected to the input of the test
function block to allow activation of functions individually
during testing.
Test switches type RTXP 24 is ordered separately. Please
refer to Section
for references to
corresponding documents.
RHGS 6 Case or RHGS 12 Case with mounted RTXP 24 and
the on/off switch for dc-supply are ordered separately. Please
refer to Section
for references to
corresponding documents.
Protection cover
M15040-3 v6
Protective cover for rear side of RHGS6, 6U, 1/4 x 19”
1MRK 002 420-AE
Protective cover for rear side of terminal, 6U, 1/2 x 19”
1MRK 002 420-TA
Protective cover for rear side of terminal, 6U, 3/4 x 19”
1MRK 002 420-SA
Protective cover for rear side of terminal, 6U, 1/1 x 19”
1MRK 002 420-RA
1MRK 511 404-BEN A
Bay control REC670 2.2
Product version: 2.2.1