Use this menu to select and set the different parameters for included protection and con-
trol functions in the REx 5xx terminal. There are four selectable and editable settings
group, each independent of the other, to structure desired functions and applications.
This menu includes all setting parameters for the disturbance report. The following fea-
tures are available:
can be set for each recorded disturbance.
is fixed at 1000 Hz.
for pre-fault, post-fault and time limit shall be set.
shall be done here. It includes measurement duration and
presentation of the result.
Settings of the parameters for the included protection and control functions are done
here. Four separate setting groups are avaible. First select desired group and then de-
sired function.
To set the internal time in the REx 5xx terminal. The time is set in the form of YYYY-
MMM-DD and hh:mm:ss. All values but the month are presented with digits. The
month are presented with the first three letters in current month.
To set the internal time in the REx 5xx terminal. The time is set in the form of YYYY-
MMM-DD and hh:mm:ss. All values but the month are presented with digits. The
month are presented with the first three letters in current month.