Operation Manual / Power2 550-M / High-pressure stage
7 Periodic maintenance / 7.1 Foreword to maintenance
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March 2022
Periodic maintenance
Foreword to maintenance
Maintenance work includes regular visual controls and cleaning operations which are inten-
ded to ensure the trouble-free functioning of the low-pressure and high-pressure stage.
In this process, the exterior condition and the degree of contamination of the components
on which maintenance work is to be performed are determined.
Component to be main-
Recommended cleaning inter-
Operating state
LP compressor
24 … 72 h
Engine load: 80 … 85%
HP compressor
LP turbine and nozzle ring
80 … 200 h
Engine load:
20 … 50%
Turbine inlet temperature:
380 … 430 °C
HP turbine and nozzle ring
LP filter silencer**
500 h
Engine stopped
HP bellows**
At every disassembly
Engine stopped
Table 17: Maintenance intervals
*) If the recommended cleaning intervals are incompatible with operation of the engine, con-
tact Turbo Systems.
**) If present
Compressor cleaning
We recommend cleaning the HP compressor after the LP compressor.
On V-engines with several low-pressure and/or high-pressure stages per engine, Turbo Sys-
tems recommends the parallel cleaning of the LP compressors as well as the parallel clean-
ing of the HP compressors.
This cleaning process is faster and reduces the risk of surging of the low-pressure and high-
pressure stages.
Turbine cleaning
Inadmissibly high exhaust gas temperatures
Parallel cleaning of the LP turbine and the HP turbine increases the exhaust
gas temperatures to inadmissibly high values. This compromises the opera-
tion of the engine.
Never clean the LP turbine and the HP turbine at the same time.