Operation Manual / Power2 340-H / Low-pressure stage
2 Safety / 2.1 Introduction
© Copyright 2022 ABB. All rights reserved.
March 2022
The two-stage turbocharging system (Power2) manufactured by Turbo Systems is state of
the art and complies with the respective health and safety standards in effect at the time
the system was built. Thus Power2 is safe to operate. Nevertheless, there may be some re-
sidual risks during operation of the Power2 and work on Power2 components, such as low-
pressure stage and high-pressure stage, which:
Are caused by Power2 itself or its accessories.
Are caused by the operating equipment used or supplies and materials.
Are a consequence of insufficient compliance with safety instructions.
Are a consequence of insufficient or inappropriate performance of maintenance and in-
spection work.
The operating company is responsible for defining measures that regulate safe access to
and safe handling of the Power2.
All instructions contained in this chapter must be observed for safe and trouble-free opera-
tion of the Power2 and during all work on the Power2 components.
All further safety instructions contained and specifically identified in every chapter of this
document (see section Definition of safety instructions) must also be observed.
CE conformity
Low-pressure and high-pressure stages from Turbo Systems comply with the machinery dir-
ective 2006/42/EC and are partly completed machinery as defined by Article 2 g.