2101510MNA H | NGC820 0 AN D PGC 1000 US ER MA NUA L |
Figure 4-10: Available sample conditioning modules
Table 4-1: Sample Conditioning module descriptions
Part Number Description
2102024-001 Designed for sample point distances greater than 10’ (3 m) and less than 150’ (50 m)
with known particulate and liquid contamination. For stable gas samples containing
pipe scale and other solid contaminates and possibly minor amounts of liquid
contamination. System features:
Particulate/coalescing filter
Liquid/vapor separator
2102494-001 Designed for a sample point distance greater than 50’ (15 m) and less than 150’ (50
m). The sample gas is known to contain particulate and liquid contamination with a
good probability of line flooding in upset conditions, enough at times to overflow the
coalescer (a+ avenger) filter. It also has a Genie
membrane for liquid rejection and a
liquid shut off to be used when liquid carry-over would harm the
chromatograph if it was introduced as a sample. This model contains a liquid shut-off
to protect the GC. The liquid shut-off resets itself when liquids are no longer present.
Particulate/coalescing filter
Liquid/vapor separator
2104677-001 Designed to remove condensing sample line liquid or water that has penetrated the
sample probe. The system expels the liquid or water downward into the bottom of the
trap drainer via inertial separation. Sample gas is extracted from the
fitting at the top of the Armstrong
accumulator. The pressurize accumulator expels
collecting liquid from the bottom by a modulation float valve design that triggers liquid
build-up in the trap accumulator.
Balston housing/ filter
Liquid separator Armstrong
0-30 psi gauge
0-1600 cc/min adjustable metered bypass
Mounting Brackets
Two sample conditioning system mounting brackets are available: a single stream bracket or a
multiple stream bracket for up to three modules (see
See (
) and (
) for installed module dimensions.