ABB-Welcome M
— 32 —
Pos: 70 /Di nA4 - A nleitu ngen Onlin e/Ueb ersc hrift en/2 ./Ge raet eeins tellun gen @ 1 8\mo d_1 302 768 847 744 _15. docx @ 10 354 8 @ 2 @ 1
Adjusting the device
Pos: 71 /Di nA4 - A nleitu ngen Onlin e/Ueb ersc hrift en/3 ./Abschl usswide rsta nd @ 19\ mod _13 219 5807 990 6_1 5.do cx @ 1100 83 @ 3 @ 1
Pos: 72 /Di nA4 - A nleitu ngen Onlin e/In halt/KNX/Do orEnt ry/Bedie nun g/Abschl usswide rsta nd s etzen 83 220 -AP-xxx @ 19\ mod _13 1072 339 236 9_1 5.do cx @ 1 078 41 @ @ 1
Fig. 24:
Pos: 74 /Di nA4 - A nleitu ngen Onlin e/In halt/KNX/Do orEnt ry/Bedie nun g/M aste r/Slave Sc halte r setz en 832 20-AP-xxx @ 1 9\m od_1 310 723 320 966 _15. docx @ 10 783 3 @ @
1. Station
Jumper to set the address of default outdoor station.
2. X100 X10 X1
Jumper to set the address of the indoor station.
EXAMPLE: setting address 024.
3. Master /Slave function
Only one indoor station in each apartment must be set as "Master" (Jumper should
be set as 'M/S on'). All additional indoor stations in the same apartment must be
set as "Slave" (Jumper should be set as 'M/S off').
4. Terminal
In video installations or mixed audio and video installations, the Jumper must be
set as 'RC on' on the last device of the line.
5. a
= Bus connection
= Door bell connection
= Additional power supply
Pos: 75 /B usch-J aeg er (Neus truk tur )/M odul -Strukt ur/O nline -Doku me ntatio n/Steu er mod ule - Onlin e-Dok ume ntati on ( -- > F ür alle Dok ume nte <- -)/ +++ ++ ++ +++ ++ S eiten umb ruch + +++ ++ ++ +++ + @ 9\m od_ 126 8898 668 093 _0. docx @ 521 49 @ @ 1