ABB i-bus® KNX
• Normal: The control value is output normally.
– Control value On 100 % => Telegram value On 100 %
– Control value Off 0 % => Telegram value Off 0 %
• Inverted: The control value is output inverted.
– Control value On 100 % => Telegram value Off 0 %
– Control value Off 0 % => Telegram value On 100 %
If the control value is output via the physical device outputs, the actuation range is set in the related
heating/cooling stage. The inversion of the control value in the control is not necessary in this case.
Sending and switching delay
No telegrams are sent on the bus during the sending and switching delay (ABB i-bus® KNX).
Telegrams received (e.g. requests from a visualization system) are sent to the outputs after the sending
and switching delay expires. The state of the outputs is set according to the settings in the ETS applica-
tion or the telegram values of the group objects.
Time sequences (e.g. staircase lighting time) are started immediately during the sending and switching
delay. If, at the time of reception, the staircase lighting time is smaller than the remaining sending and
switching delay, the staircase lighting time elapses during the sending and switching delay. After the
sending and switching delay has elapsed there is no switching command, the staircase lighting is not
switched on.
The sending and switching delay includes the device initialization time.
Temperature sensor types
This sensor type is precise and interchangeable, however it is susceptible to cable errors (e.g. cable re-
sistance or heating of the cable). A terminal resistance as low as 200 milliohms causes a temperature er-
ror of 0.5 °C.
These sensor types respond just like the PT100, but the influences of cable errors are lower by a factor of
10. These sensor types should be preferred.
These sensor types have a low level of accuracy, are interchangeable only under certain circumstances
and can be used only for very simple applications.
Product manual | EN-US | VC/S 4.x.1 | 2CDC508220D0211 Rev. B
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