ABB i-bus® KNX
Control value after bus voltage recovery
This parameter is used to define the control value set after bus voltage recovery. The set control value is
valid until a new control value is calculated by the controller in the controller mode or a new control value
is received via the bus (
ABB i-bus® KNX
) in the actuator mode.
The reaction set here applies during the sending and switching delay as well.
After bus voltage recovery, it can take up to 2 seconds until the device has started and the outputs can
be activated.
As before bus voltage failure
The last control value before bus voltage failure is applied.
The control value can be set.
The following dependent parameters are shown:
Prerequisites for visibility
• The parameter is in the parameter window
Control value after ETS download
This parameter is used to define the control value set after ETS download. The set control value is valid
until a new control value is calculated by the controller in the controller mode or a new control value is re-
ceived via the bus (
ABB i-bus® KNX
) in the actuator mode.
The last control value before ETS download is applied.
The control value can be set.
The following dependent parameters are shown:
Prerequisites for visibility
• The parameter is in the parameter window
Product manual | EN-US | VC/S 4.x.1 | 2CDC508220D0211 Rev. B
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