Operation Manual / 4 Product description / A130-M.. - A145-M..
Removing and Installing
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Revision D
June 2016
Removing the turbocharger
Disconnect all pipes according to the instructions of the enginebuilder.
Version with compressor wheel cooling:
Loosen and remove the compressor wheel cooling connection. Close the compressor
wheel cooling opening with a screw plug.
Figure 6: Removing the turbocharger
A Oil-cooled bearing casing
D Clamping nut
B Water-cooled bearing casing
E Standard nut
C Position of expansion sleeves
Treat the stud (02) and nut with penetrating oil on the thread and let it work in.
If present: Disconnect the plug to the speed sensor (86505) and secure the rolled-up cable
on the turbocharger. This protects the plug from being crushed.
If present: Loosen support (61301) from engine support and remove.
Safeguard against wrong fitting (only for water-cooled bearing casings)
Depending on the bracket version (04), two positioning pins (05) can be
used for positioning and safeguarding against wrong fitting of the turbo-
charger. Therefore the turbocharger must always be removed from and in-
stalled on the bracket vertically.