Installing the Gas Analyzer
Electrical Connections Digital I/O Module
Digital Inputs DI1 to DI4
Opto-electronic coupler with 24 V DC As an alternative, activation by
floating contacts with an external voltage of 12–24 V DC or by Open-
Collector drivers PNP or NPN.
Digital Outputs DO1 to DO4
Floating double-throw contacts, max. contact load rating 30 V/1 A.
The relays must always be operated within the specified data. Inductive
or capacitive loads are to be connected with appropriate protective
measures (freewheeling diodes for inductive and series resistors with
capacitive loads).
Relays are shown in the unpowered state. The unpowered state
corresponds to the state in the event of a fault ("fail safe").
2x12-pole plug-in terminal strip. Please refer to the information about the
requisite material (see page 89).