EasyLine EL3000 Series Commissioning Instructions
Important Note for the Gas Analyzer Version for Measurement of
Flammable Gases
Measures Taken after Opening the Gas Paths inside the Gas Analyzer
If the sample gas feed path inside the gas analyzer has been opened,
the seal integrity should be tested with helium at a leak rate of
< 2
hPa l/s.
The pressure drop method (see page 119) can be used as an
alternative to the helium test. To accomplish this, increase the test
pressure to a p
of approx. 400 hPa (= 400 mbar) and increase the
test period to 15 minutes. The maximum excess pressure
= 500 hPa (= 500 mbar).
Any time the gas path is opened it must then be purged prior to
connecting the power supply. This should remove any explosive
gas/air mixture in the gas path.
Purge gas: Inert gas
Purge gas quantity: 5 times the volume of the gas paths
Purge gas flow: Approx. 30 liters/hour
Purge duration: At least 3 minutes
The purge gas should not contain any sample gas components.