EasyLine EL3000 Series Commissioning Instructions
Fidas24: Checking Combustion Gas Supply Line for Seal Integrity
The seal integrity test described in this section should only be
performed by qualified and specially trained personnel.
If these conditions are not provided or the prescribed materials are not
available, a seal integrity test must be carried out by ABB after sales
Regular inspection of the seal integrity of the combustion gas supply line
The seal integrity of the combustion gas supply line must be checked
regularly according to one of the two following instructions, depending on
whether the combustion gas is supplied from a cylinder or from a central
Combustion gas from a cylinder
Switch off the gas analyzer power supply. Ensure that the shut-off
valve in the combustion gas supply line is open.
Set the combustion gas pressure to 1.1 x the normal pressure of the
combustion gas, i.e. approx. 1.4 bar.
Mark cylinder pressure indication on the high pressure gauge.
Close the valve of the combustion gas cylinder.
The display on the high pressure gauge – it should not change
measurably in 10 minutes.
A measurable change in the display is an indication of a leak in the
combustion gas feed path, between the cylinder pressure reducer
and the combustion gas inlet valve of the gas analyzer. In this case,
the following measures must be taken:
Check the combustion gas line between the cylinder and gas
analyzer with a leak-detecting spray. A leak in this area must be
remedied and another leak test must be performed before the gas
analyzer is put into operation again.
If a leak cannot be found in the combustion gas line, the
combustion gas inlet valve of the gas analyzer is leaking.
In this
case, the gas analyzer may not be returned to service on any
The combustion gas inlet valve must be replaced by
ABB Service.
After conclusion of the seal integrity test, set the combustion gas
pressure to normal pressure again, i.e. 1.2 bar.