Operating the Gas Analyzer
Communication between the Gas Analyzer and the Computer
Communication via Ethernet
Communication between the gas analyzer and the computer is executed
via an Ethernet connection, either as a point-to-point connection or via a
The Ethernet connection enables communication
with the test and calibration software TCT-light,
with the configuration software ECT,
for transmission of the QAL3 data, if the option QAL3 monitoring has
been integrated in the gas analyzer,
for reading the measured values and for calibrating and controlling
the gas analyzer via the Modbus TCP/IP protocol.
Detailed information on "Modbus" can be found in the technical
information "EL3000 Modbus" and "EL3010-C – Modbus via TCP/IP".
Setting up the communication between the gas analyzer and the computer
Basically, the following steps are required to set up the communication
between the gas analyzer and computer:
Check and set the TCP/IP parameters in the gas analyzer and the
Establish and test the Ethernet connection.
Start the communication between the gas analyzer and the computer.
Check the TCP/IP parameters in the gas analyzer and the computer
The TCP/IP parameters in the gas analyzer and the computer must be
checked and changed if necessary for operation of the configurator. In
the case of a point-to-point connection, the IP addresses in the gas
analyzer and the computer must be carefully matched.
Example: gas analyzer:, computer: