Reason for load limiter activity
The overload decision is based on both consumed charge and duration of the loading.
Once the overload situation is detected, the reason can be reported as double-point
input. The information object is defined in the section
0 = None, overload situation not detected
1 = Overload caused by consumed charge
2 = Overload caused by duration of loading
3 = Overload detected by manual command
Measured charge during overload
The overload decision is based on both consumed charge and duration of the loading.
Once the overload situation is detected, the accumulated charge can be reported as a
short floating-point value. The reporting unit is ampere-seconds. If no overload
situation has been detected, the reported value is zero and has a non-topical NT flag
set. The information object is defined in the section
[LOAD_LIMITER_CHARGE_FPI]. This charge is reported only when the overload
situation is detected. The consumed charge for normal operation is reported by
Measured time during overload
The overload decision is based on both consumed charge and duration of the loading.
Once the overload situation is detected, the loading duration can be reported as a short
floating-point value. The reporting unit is seconds. If no overload situation has been
detected, the reported value is zero and has a non-topical NT flag set. The information
object is defined in the section [LOAD_LIMITER_TIME_FPI]. This duration is
reported only when the overload situation is detected. The travel time for normal
operation is reported by [DISCONNECTOR_TRAVELTIME_N].
Support for fault indicators
The device contains a driver for the ABB RIO600, Horstmann ComPass-B and Kries
IKI-50 fault indicators. The driver polls the fault indicator devices using Modbus and
converts the values to IEC 60870-5-104. Up to four fault indicators can be connected.
Section 4
1MRS758459 C
Functional description
User Manual