1. Make the foundation (A). Do one of
these steps:
Contact the manufacturer to order
the foundation for your EVSE.
Refer to section
Make the foundation according to
the specifications.
2. Dig the hole (B) for the foundation (C).
For the specifications, refer to section
Caution: Make sure that
the top surface of the
foundation is above the
ground level, to prevent
intrusion of water.
3. Prepare the site and the cable duct (D) to bring the AC wires to the location.
4. Install the foundation in the hole.
5. Pour concrete into the hole.
6. Wait until the concrete is hard.
7. Drill the concrete:
Drill space to enable the cable duct to pass.
Create fixation holes.
Replace the standard base with an alternative base
Preliminary requirements
The foundation is ready.
Refer to section
Hoisting equipment
The manufacturer delivers the EVSE with a standard base. For specific requirements
the owner can decide to replace this standard base with an alternative base.
1. Unpack the EVSE, that stays on the pallet. Refer to section
2. Lift the EVSE from the base. Use the hoisting equipment. Refer to section
3. Install the alternative base on the prepared foundation:
For a base with side entrance, refer to section
For a base with reduced height, refer to section
4. Move the EVSE in the below steps. Use the hoisting equipment. Refer to section
a. Move the EVSE above the base.
b. Lower the EVSE on the base.
5. Do these steps to finalize the installation:
a. Do the mechanical installation of the EVSE. Refer to section
b. Do the electrical installation of the EVSE. Refer to section
c. Prepare for commissioning. Refer to section
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