Demount the module to be replaced as described in the
Mount the new module as described in the installation instructions.
For terminal units and terminal bases, connect the connectors.
Reconnect the power supply.
System boots up again.
If necessary, update module firmware
Chapter 9.2 “PLC firmware/application update”
If a processor module is replaced, you must install the firmware, the application, the
licenses and the certificates on the new processor module.
If a problem persists, contact ABB technical support.
11.2 Replace an I/O module with hot swap
Hot swap
System requirements for hot swapping of I/O modules:
Types of terminal units that support hot swapping of I/O modules have the
appendix TU5xx-H.
I/O modules as of index F0.
The following I/O bus masters support hot swapping of attached I/O modules:
Communication interface modules CI5xx as of index F0.
Processor modules PM56xx-2ETH with firmware version as of V3.2.0.
Risk of damage to I/O modules!
Hot swapping is only allowed for I/O modules.
Processor modules and communication interface modules must not be removed
or inserted during operation.
Conditions for hot swapping
Digital outputs are not under load.
Input/output voltages above safety extra low voltage/
protective extra low voltages (SELV/PELV) are switched off.
Modules are completely plugged on the terminal unit with both snap fit
engaged before switching on loads or input/output voltage.
Preconditions for using hot swap
Risk of explosion or fire in hazardous environments during hot swapping!
Hot swap must not be performed in flammable environments to avoid
life-threatening injury and property damage resulting from fire or explosion.
Hot swap
Replace an I/O module with hot swap > Preconditions for using hot swap
3ADR011074, 1, en_US