Fig. 2: Software: Configuration in engineering software Automation Builder
Written type in brackets
Relevant manual
Processor module type PM +
3 digits
Processor module type PM +
4 digits
AC500 V3 (this manual)
1.3 Regulations
The planning and installation of the electrical system must be carried out in compliance with the
applicable regulations and standards. Hazards due to malfunctions must be prevented by taking
appropriate measures.
The suitability of the products for the respective application is proven by declarations of con-
formity and certificates.
The PLC Automation
contains an overview of the available declarations of conformity
and certificates. These can be found in the table "Certifications" in the chapter "Additional
information" of the catalog.
Both the AC500 control system and other components in the vicinity are operated with dan-
gerous touch voltages. Touching live components can lead to serious health implications or
even death.
To avoid such risks and the occurrence of property damage, persons involved in the installation,
commissioning and maintenance must have relevant knowledge about:
● Automation technology
● Handling of hazardous voltages
● Application of relevant standards and regulations, accident prevention regulations and reg-
ulations on special environmental conditions (e.g., hazardous areas due to explosive sub-
stances, heavy soiling or corrosive influences).
1.4 Older revisions of this document
You can always find all revisions of our documents on our website.
Planning and
installation of
the electrical
Qualified per-
Older revisions of this document
3ADR011074, 1, en_US