On AC500-eCo processor modules and special AC500 (Standard) processor
modules the terminal base cannot be removed.
The I/O modules are the input/output unit which connects the PLC with the process. The PLC
can detect controlled object data via the input interface and the data is taken as the basis
for PLC control on the controlled object. In addition, the PLC sends processing results via the
output interface to the controlled object to execute the control.
External input equipment and output equipment needs various signal levels whereas the infor-
mation processed by the processor module in the PLC can only be the standard level. In
order to perform this conversion, the I/O interface generally uses optical isolation and filtering
to improve the interference immunity of the PLC. In addition, the I/O interface can generally
indicate the working state to facilitate maintenance.
The PLC provides multiple I/O interfaces for operation level and drive capability to users for
selection such as digital input, digital output, analog input, analog output, etc. I/O interfaces
of the PLC interpret the number of input/output signals as the number of PLC I/O points. The
number of I/O points is an important basis for PLC selection. If the system has insufficient I/O
points, it can be expanded via the I/O extension interface of the PLC.
The I/O modules for digital and/or analog inputs and outputs are available in different versions
and allow flexible use thanks to configurable channels.
The modules can be simply plugged onto a terminal unit for a centralized or decentralized I/O
extension via communication interface modules.
I/O modules and function modules are plugged on a terminal unit.
Terminal units enable simple prewiring without electronics and are available for 24 V DC and
120/230 V AC, optionally for spring or screw-type terminals.
I/O modules
Terminal units
System overview
AC500/S500: Short description hardware
3ADR011074, 1, en_US