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Pos: 90 /DinA4 - Anleitungen Online/Ueberschriften/1./Adressierung @ 18\mod_1302616059553_15.docx @ 103432 @ 1 @ 1
8 Addressing
Pos: 91 /DinA4 - Anleitungen Online/Inhalt/KNX/DoorEntry/Adressierung/Adressierung-Projektierung @ 20\mod_1324287710173_15.docx @ 112353 @ 233333 @ 1
8. 1
A ddres s ing the s ta tio ns
8. 1. 1
P o tentio meter
Before installing as system, it must must be addressed.
For this "Addressing", three potentiometers have been fitted
to the rear of the device. The digits 0 to 9 can be set on each
Fig. 28: Potentiometer for setting the stations
Outdoor station:
The left potentiometer (1) at an outdoor station indicates the
address of this station.
The next two potentiometers (2) indicate the address of the
doorbell push-button of this station. The doorbell
push-switches below that are automatically numbered
Indoor station:
The left potentiometer (3) of the indoor station indicates the
address of the preferred outdoor station. The next two
potentiometers (4) indicate the address of this indoor station.
Fig. 29: The function of the potentiometers
8. 1. 2
S etting the a ddres s o f the o u tdo o r s ta tio n:
The allocation to one of the four inputs of the system is made on the outdoor stations and the associated switch
actuators for door and light via the setting of the address.
For this the potentiometer house/outdoors is set on an address between 1 and 4. The potentiometer is located on
the rear of the outdoor station or the front of the MDRC switch actuator.
8. 1. 3
A s s igning the do o r bell pu s h-bu tto n o f a n o u tdo o r s ta tio n to a n a pa rtment
The doorbell push-buttons of an outdoor station are assigned to the apartments consecutively from top to bottom
and left to right with the addresses 01, 02, etc.
This assignment applies equally to several outdoor stations in a system. This means that in Figure 31 on page37,
in each outdoor station push-button A is assigned to apartment 01, etc.
This factory setting is fixed via two potentiometers on the rear of the outdoor station. The middle potentiometer
must be on "0" and the right one on "1".
8. 1. 4
S etting the a ddres s o f the indo o r s ta tio n
The apartment is assigned on the indoor station via the setting of the address. Up to 99 apartments can be
addressed within one system. In each of these up to four indoor stations with the same rights can be located with
the same address.
When pressing the assigned doorbell push-button, all four indoor stations are called. The address of an indoor
station (e.g. "15") is set with the aid of the potentiometers on the indoor station, the middle one indicating the tens
digit (here "1") and the right one the singles digit (here "5"). The potentiometer is located on the back or outside of
the indoor stations.