P R E SSU R E/ T EM P ER AT U R E M U LT I VA R I A B L E | O I/ 2 6 6 H SH M T- EN R E V. A
b) Certificate ATEX II 1/2 G Ex ia IIC T4/T5/T6 Ga and II
1/2 D Ex ia IIIC T85°C Da
FM Approvals certificate number
FM09ATEX0024X (Tremezzina, Minden, Bangalore and
Shanghai products)
Important. This ATEX Category depends on the
application (see below) and also on the intrinsic safety
level of the transmitter supply (associated apparatus)
which can sometimes suitably be [ib] instead of [ia]. As it
is well known, the level of an intrinsic safety system is
determined by the lowest level of the various apparatus
used, i.e., in the case of [ib] supply, the system takes over
this level of protection.
The meaning of ATEX code is as follows:
— II: Group for surface areas (not mines)
— 1/2: Category - It means that only a part of the
transmitter complies with category 1 and a second
part complies with category 2 (see next application
— G: Gas (dangerous media)
— D: Dust (dangerous media)
— T85°C: Maximum surface temperature of the
transmitter enclosure with a Ta from -50°C to +40°C
for Dust (not Gas) with a dust layer up to 50 mm
depth. T85°C: as before for Dust for a Ta +85°C.
Certificate IECEx Ex ia IIC T4/T5/T6 and
Note: the transmitter can be connected to either [ib] or [ia]
supply (associated apparatus)certified [Ex ia]
Note for “Primary transducer”: see the certification for
Application with Gas
Application with Dust
Note: the protection is mainly assured by the “IP” degree
associated to the low power from supply. This can either be
[ia] or [ib]
Zone “0”
Zone “1”
Zone “0” / Zone “1” sep-
aration element
Primary transducer
266 Tx
Category 1/2 Ga Ex ia
Zone “20”
Zone “21”
266 Tx
Category 1/2 Da Ex ia
Ex ia IIIC T85°C Da
IECEx certificate number
IECEx FME 16.0003X (Tremezzina, Minden, Bangalore,
Shangai products)
The other marking refers to the protection type used
according to relevant EN standards:
— Ex ia: Intrinsic safety, protection level “a”
— IIC: Gas group
— T4: Temperature class of the transmitter
(corresponding to 135°C max) with a Ta from -50°C to
— T5: Temperature class of the transmitter
(corresponding to 100°C max) with a Ta from -50°C to
— T6: Temperature class of the transmitter
(corresponding to 85°C max) with a Ta from -50°C to
About the applications, this transmitter can be used in
Zone “0” (Gas) classified areas (continuous hazard) with
its “process part” only, whereas the remaining part of the
transmitter, i.e. its enclosure, can be used in Zone 1 (Gas),
only (see sketch below). Reason of this is the process part
of the transmitter (normally called primary transducer)
that provides inside separation elements to seal off the
electrical sensor from the continuously hazardous
process, according to the EN 60079-1. About Dust
application, the transmitter is suitable for “Zone 21”
according to the EN 60079-0 and EN 60079-11 as it is
shown on the relevant part of the sketches.
Application for pressure transmitter Ex ia categories 1/2Ga and 1/2Da