Courtesy of
Страница 1: ...Instructions Medium Voltage Vacuum Power Circuit Breakers Types 5VHK 250 5VHKX 250 1200 and 2000 Amperes 5000 volts Models 20 and 21 ASMS ABB Power Distribution Inc Circuit Breaker Division ASHA BROWN BOVEF Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear com ...
Страница 2: Sequenc AC Schematic Diagram of Control Circuit RENEWAL PARTS l f T 3 KU 1 BIUvr 1 u rniNn i M n n3 3 J 3 3 VT r r 44 3 i uu r w 4 tua g r kiuumm 5 S 5 5 inunHN r W v U UUUtfu r wpinr i ae r M mwiww 8 ailI I T i rrir T 1 r1 rrri 44 u Mnmmi vrr y h 6 BbUMnayl H uUu 7 7 7 9 4rt A fv tr 9 9 HU nf W T I 4 4 mPTTT7T TT 9 M Vf 10 UBM no r n y H V 4 iiiigprs inrrMrrr YTTI 10 A i m MOwm HITTt p Ui mrr ...
Страница 3: ...tho purchase order number and part numbers of the damagedor missing parts should accompanythe claim CircuitbreakersshouldbeInstalledIn theirpermanent locationas soon aspossible If thebreakers are not to be placed in service tor some time it is advisable to provide adequate means of protection Thismaybedonebykeepingthebreakerinitsoriginal shipping carton and storing ina warm dry and uncontaminated ...
Страница 4: ...H M M 1 V P i B rV m n m Mt ME oka I i I I i i 2 r jfcSwi t l i i 1 C fea f Waiter Assembly with Lifting Yoke Installed Ffg 2 Circuit Breaker R ar See Detail3A Detail A Cfrarg n 0 tectr c y OperatedCircuit Breakers Fig 3 ProrrtCircuit Bteaaer Pvner Accessories t i Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear com ...
Страница 5: ... CONNECTED position Close compartment door 1 Fig 4 and insert racking crank U Pig 4 through sliding panel 2 Fig 4 Push unlocking lever 3 Fig 4 to leftand turn racking crank 4 Fig 4 approximately 1 4 turn clockwise th n release unlocking lever Continue cranking until racking mechanism automatically stops at CONNECTED position Fig 4 Method of Racking Circuit Breaker Installing circuit Breaker Into C...
Страница 6: ...ired Thefewad u tmentsthatarenoted arerequiredonly whenanoperationalcheckindicatesaproblem Of course during the maintenance checks an accessiblebolts unite and screws shouldbe routinely checked to Insure that they are tight ft k recommendedthat th drcurt breaker benormally inspected the first 200a operations regardless of thetype of duty ft is t for These operations can be either no load mechanica...
Страница 7: ...ment that 002second vacuuminterrupter contact bounce Ispermissible duringnormalclosing and this bounce can influence the contact touch measurements If it is determined that the contabt sequence is not within the 2 milliseconds then adjustment is required Usually readjustment of onepoleshouldbesufficient so that allthreepoles touch wkbfn 2 milliseconds The air gap of the pole to bechanged shouldbe ...
Страница 8: ...3 FLEX CONNECTOR CU P LEAD MOUNTING BRACKET s S 5 s S s I IV 5 h SESS B AIR GAP PUSH ROD OjO CONTACTWIPE Fig 5 Contact Prw ure Ftg 6 L tch Adjustment 1ACR1WQ LIJUJ vinrv RAteMA A k t j Ftg 7 flacking M ciranfsm Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear com ...
Страница 9: ...e Latch Rod Release Overtravel 2 Adjustmentstocorrect speeds If foundto b outsidelimits are critical and the nearest District Office should be contacted for recommendations Operating Mechanism The various mechanism adjustments described in the following sections apply to all circuit breakers covered by this Instruction Bulletin 1 Backoffondoselatchrelease rod 5 andcheckthat thecircuit breaker witl...
Страница 10: ...he akorundergothorough lubricationwith Anderol767at thenext aintonance Interval Use of solvents to free contaminated lubricant is strictly forbidden without Immediate reluprloation using Andcrpl 7S Note thatbearing surfaces must berepacked and this will require disassembly of the mechanism Do not operate circuit breaker without completing this procedure 3 The charging motor is sealed and no lubric...
Страница 11: ...r general information on electrical operation DC CLOSING OPERATING SEQUENCE 8 ThecircuitbreakercanbeVippedbyoperationof thetripcontrol switch which energizes me circuit breaker trip cod TO through the auxiliary switch sT contact With thecircuit breaker open theclosing springs uncharged and thecontrolpowersourceenergized andmotor disconnect switch dosed operation occurs as follow 1 immediately upon...
Страница 12: ...nWhenSprings Ara Discharged Closed Whan Springs Am Charged Limit Switch ContactClosed When Springs Are glschargeo Open When Springs Am charged Shunt Trip Coil ControlRelay Release Coll Control Relay lockout Coif Ya NormallyOpen Control Relay Contact Yb Normally ClosedControl Relay Contact TerminalBlock Point Motor Lead C Coil Lead End Ct k C2 TerminalJumper Consol Device Female Secondary Contaett ...
Страница 13: L b closes and limit switch contact TSa opens 4 When limit switchcontact L5b inthe motor circuitcloses the springcharging motor is energized which in turn recharges the dosing springs 5 Whenthecircuitbreakercloses allauxiliaryswitchVcontacts open and all auxiliary switch contacts dose 6 When the limit switch contact l a opens both the latch release coil X and the lockout relay coil Y are d...
Страница 14: ... S Y Y V V V t f a SM I SOx a j 311 ii IS X A A A A A A llll tx EC E 3 m is S Sfl S O i l I 12 s If 11 c a sc vJ UJ su g O B 2 a A B he o 1 oir c a to 4 J0 l 6 D t s 2 o O _c to to 8 o Y o 3 V o o vj 0 3 K J O h O K u r N 2 0 5 S ...
Страница 15: ...ROWN SOV RI ASEA BROWN BOVEftf INC Power Distribution Inc Circuit Croaker Division RO BOX F 7 ftoronco South Caroline 29501 Phonei ao3 65S 4i44 Talttoopior Orfntad n U A tM OdPO Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear com ...