Numbering plan
System functions and features as of R3.0
syd-0367/1.3 – R3.0 – 03.2013
Numbering plan
This Chapter features the different types of internal and external numbering
plans available in the various systems. It explains the differences between in-
ternal numbering plans for the private network and external numbering
plans for the public network. It tells you what you need to know when creat-
ing numbering plans for each particular network.
3. 1
Numbering Plan Identifiers
The numbering plan is used to analyse numbers and allocate them to an addressa-
ble destination. Two types of numbering plans (Numbering Plan Identification, NPI)
are relevant to the system:
• The public network uses numbering plan identifier E.164, which is defined and
standardized by the ITU-T.
• Private networks use numbering plan identifier PNP (Private Numbering Plan).
The internal numbering plan of a communication server or PINX is also of the
PNP type, as is the private numbering plan supplied by the public network pro-
PINX 3 is a virtual PINX (Centrex)
Fig. 17
Numbering plan identifiers in the public network and in the PISN (in PINXs)
Numbers in a numbering plan are analysed with the aid of the Type Of Number (or TON).
depends on the network provider