Aardvark AardSync II Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание AardSync II

Страница 1: ...AHFdSvnc Owner s Manual Master Digital AudioSyncGenerator ...

Страница 2: ...d flexlble syncgeneralor lhatwlllsustaln youthrough yoars ofconelant use Takeafewmlnutee toreadthrough lhlemanual li wlllgulde you lhrough AardSync ll operatlon andwlllhaveyouupandrunnlng Inmoments Onceyou undersland thebaslcluncllons ofyourAardSync ll you ll havefullaccess tothepower andflexlblllty ofAardvark onglneerlng ThlE qulpment hasboon tosted andlound iocomply wllhthollmlt6lor a claBo Adlg...

Страница 3: ...ll and plug Into wall outlet 2 Plug Input andoulput cables Into rear XLR con rectors 3 Turn unlt onallhepower swltch ffii ffi 6B p 6 fii Power Connectlon lorpower adapter Dlgldeelgno 256Clock Internally lumperable toWord Clock Sync Oulput WordClockSyncOutput Internally lumperable lo DlglDeslgno 256clock WordClockSyncOulpule Slandard fiL level squaro wavo atsampllng rate AES EBU Dlgltal OutputXLRo ...

Страница 4: ... indlcator shoutd lighluptriie aiely anO tn 2 serconds or tesslockjndtcaio h ij ildil tt tu o ldf l l dcesn r nghr check rh jo t bii anrr rhe source dovico lfvldeo lndlcator tfghts builocilndl uro doesn riighr ortrflashes the fr ii JOf io ioctrofne vide r sign atsuppued rnrs hoicaies irl irt irj o rrgn r lsloonolsy orunslablo tobsus d Instrucllonefor Rackmountlng The AardSync llunlt lscapable ofda...

Страница 5: ...onal Vtdoo Gonomtor BoErd EInslsllBd I JPO loNoTUoorConnguroblot Removlng theCere I Warnlng Thlr unltla a alailc senslilve componenl Beeuretotakeproper precaullone orclrcullry maybedamaged Tbaccese Jumpere l Romove theback panel andbezel byflrstremovlng lhetwoback panel Bcrowe 2 Remove lhe5hexrlngs lromBNC conneclors 3 Remove thebase covsr Gcrew 4 Sllde ofllheuntt e cover bypulllng lttoward lhebac...

Страница 6: ...uller and skewlng oflheWRlransporl The AardSyno llwlllIn lar00 parl compsnsale torihso Bhorlcomlnge bullhehlghesl quallty recordlngs wlllbemade wilhlhehouse sync goneralor Contlnuoue OARS Synchronlzatlon andSMPTE Trlgger Vldeo House SyncBased Dlgllal audlo clocklng ledorlvod komvldoo black burat elgnal bylho AardSync ll whlch g noratos a0lgltalAudlo Referonce Slgnal OARg anda Word Clock WC slgnal ...

Страница 7: ...vldoocanbeeuccaeelully recomblned atlheetudlo A lowcoslDATcanbeusedlo maketherecordlng Synchronous SamplsRato Converelon Appllcatlon AES ESU 44 1kHz AES EBU 48kHz TheAardSyno ll provldee awlde range olpull up and pull down ftequenclee ueelul forraleconverslon orpulllng oporallons Advanlsgos TheAardgync ll usos proprlolary dlgllal technlquos lor0duce llller lhueprovldlng lhehlghesl poeelble quallty...

Страница 8: ...PDIF RCAadaplers Word Clock Oulpuls I TTLBNCo 250syncoulpute 1fiL BNC Sampllng Ratea Oufput Sampllng Ralos 32 42 336 44 056 44 1 44 144 46 937 40 080 47 552 48 48 048 60kHz and 1programmable Jltter Reducllon 70dB 60Hz 100dBabove 000Hz UnltSpeclllcallons Nomlnal DCPower 12VoltD G 3amp wolghl 2 261bs 1 1Kg Dlmonslons 7 x I x 1 5In 7 8 x22 9x 3 8cm Operatlng Temperalure 32 lo 104o F 0 to40 C 202E Was...
