fIGure 25.
The 3” PVC, ABS, or CPVC Schedule 40 vent pipe can be run
from the water heater through the wall or from the wall to the water
heater, whichever is most convenient. The vent pipe must extend a
minimum of 1 1/2” (4 cm) through the exterior wall. Extending the
vent cap as far as possible from the surface of the exterior wall
will help minimize discoloration of the wall. Note that the inside flue
mounting adaptors must be slipped over the vent piping before
locating the pipe through the wall. Before securing the inside and
outside collars to the wall, use a silicone sealer between pipe and
opening to insure a water and air tight seal.
InstallatIon showInG use of pvc, aBs or
cpvc pIpe for Inlet and outlet vent pIpInG
Inlet piping through any type wall.
fIGure 26.
connectInG vent to Blower
1. If making an immediate horizontal run of vent off the blower, one
3” PVC inlet and one 3” PVC (CPVC for 75 gallon models and
ABS for 50 gallon 65,000 Btu/Hr models) outlet Schedule 40 street
elbows are required. Place the elbow in the required direction on
the blower and attach the elbow with 3 sheet metal screws.
fIGure 27.
2. If there is to be a vertical run of vent from the blower, the 3” PVC
inlet and the 3” PVC (CPVC for 75 gallon models and ABS for
50 gallon 65,000 Btu/Hr models) outlet pipes must be attached
to the blower and venting hood using 6 sheet metal screws.
fIGure 28.
InstallatIon showInG use of (optIonal)
deluXe horIZontal vent KIt
Typical installation.
fIGure 29a.
optional 3” pvc horizontal vent Kit:
fIGure 29B.