Managing the Radio | 231
Aprisa SRi User Manual 1.1.0
Maintenance > General
Local Status Polling Period (sec)
This parameter sets the rate at which SuperVisor refreshes the Local Radio alarm LED states and RSSI value.
The default setting is 10 seconds.
Network View Polling Period (sec)
This parameter sets the rate at which SuperVisor polls all remote radios for status and alarm reporting. The
default setting is 20 seconds.
Remote Status Polling Period (sec)
This parameter sets the rate at which SuperVisor refreshes the Remote Radio alarm LED states and RSSI
value. To avoid problems when managing Aprisa SRi Networks, ensure that the Remote Polling Period is set
to be longer than the Inband Management Timeout (set on page 102). The default setting is 20 seconds.
Inactivity Timeout (min)
This parameter sets the period of user inactivity before SuperVisor automatically logs out of the radio. The
default setting is 15 minutes.
Delete Alarm History file
This parameter when activated deletes the alarm history file stored in the radio.