User Manual
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Copyright © 3onedata Co., Ltd.
4.3.1 RealCom Mode
In RealCom mode, the serial port server and Windows / Linux operating system with
the RealCOM drive work cooperatively. RealCom COM / TTY driver establishes a
transparent network transmission connection between the host and the serial device
in the operating system. Map the serial port of the serial port server to the local
COM/TTY device of the host according to the user configured serial server IP address
and serial port number and other parameters. The original serial device software or
communication module without modification can be used directly without modification.
The RealCom driver gets the data be sented to the local COM / TTY device of the host,
then sends it over Ethernet in the form of TCP / IP packet. At the other end of the
transparent transmission, the serial server will receive the TCP / IP packet and
analyse the packet, and after unpacking send the original data to the serial device
through the corresponding serial port, and vice versa.
Interface Description
RealCom Mode interface screenshot