CLI user manual
Chapter 15
System management
15.1 Enter the System management configuration view
System management includes:
1. System timeout;
2. The default gateway, IP address configuration;
3. The user name, password configuration;
4. Device IP, subnet mask, default gateway, see;
5. Restore factory settings;
6. Upload, download the configuration file
7. The system upgrade
Table 15.1.1 into the system management view commands:
In view of system management
To perform the operation in the system
15.2 System timeout
Users can use the following command to set the system time
Table 15.2.1 system timeout command:
System timeout setting
<time_out>: The system timeout, value of [0-60], the
unit minute, a default timeout value of 5 minutes;
0 --Close timeout function
Example: set the system time is 10 minutes
Switch (manage)#
set 10
The system is used to define the time, when to enter the CLI configuration mode, do not do any operation
timeout. The system after a timeout will automatically jump to the user mode, the new username and
password authentication.
15.3 IP address and default gateway setting
The user can set the following command equipment IP, default gateway address
Table 15.3.1 device IP address, default gateway address setting: