Phone: 866-864-5250
Fax: 623-516-8697
E-mail: [email protected]
2012 West Lone Cactus Dr.
Phoenix, Arizona 85027
10ZiG Technology (Europe)
Phone: +44 1509 276252
Fax: +44 1509 276253
Email: [email protected]
Setting up Connections
RBT-402 supports the following communication protocols (connections):
Connections (Display and Printer) for direct link-ups to AS/400
systems via Ethernet cable and TCP/IP protocol.
Connections (Display and Printer) for direct link-ups to IBM 390
systems via Ethernet cable and TCP/IP protocol.
Connections (Independent Computer Architecture) by Citrix
Connections (Remote Desktop Protocol) Microsoft Terminal Server
Connections through the FireFox browser.
If running in
WBT mode
, configuring the various sessions (connections) takes place
through the main The “Terminal Connection Manager” window appears each time
the terminal is turned on, if there are no sessions set to auto start. If is session is
currently running you will need to use the key combination of CTRL+ALT+END to
enable the Terminal connection manager.
If running in
Desktop mode
you will need to go to Start, Settings, Connection
From this window it is possible to configure, modify, add, cancel and enable