Quick Reference Cards |
CG000471 | Rev D
Chromium X Series (X/iX)
Step 3: Readiness Test
The readiness test verifies that all systems are working
• During first-time setup, follow screen
instruction to launch the readiness test.
Verify that the shipping/readiness test block is
properly placed on the tray:
• Press the eject button.
• Ensure that the blank gasket is properly
• Replace the assembled block on the tray.
• Press the eject button again to close the tray.
After the test is complete, follow screen
instruction to remove the block with blank
gasket from the tray.
Store the assembled block and gasket in a
plastic bag, away from sun-light and extreme
temperature. Retain for future use.
A successful readiness test marks the end of
setup. The instrument is now ready for use.
Initiate subsequent readiness tests through the
home screen by loading the shipping/readiness
test block with gasket into the instrument.
Operation Screens
After the readiness test, the instrument is ready for use.
Representative instrument operation screens are shown
Refer to the Chromium X Series (X/iX) User Guide (CG000396) for complete information
Set up during first-time use.
Access through the menu
option > System/Date & Time
Main Button
Eject shown when
ready for use
Status Icons
Displays successfully-
connected devices.
Menu Options
Press icon to
navigate to that
menu option