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Summary of Contents for II

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Page 4: ...ent liability is asstrmed with respect to the use of the information contained herein I lhlle every precautlon has been taken ln the preparatlon of this book Sage Computer Technology assumes no respon...

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Page 7: ...4 0 T E S T D E S C R I P T I O N o o f o r 4 4 P A T T E R N 1 o r o o 4 5 P A T T E R N 2 o o o o 4 5 PATTERN3 o o o o 47 B U I L D I N GA L I G N o o 4 8 R E P L A C I N GT H E F L O P P Y D I S K...

Page 8: ...ONTENTS XIX O3 XIX 04 X I X O 5 XIX 06 XIX O7 XIX O8 CHANGES FROM CB0000TO c80001 r 79 CHANGES FROM C80001 T0 c80002 r 80 CHANGES FROM CB0002TO CB0002B 82 DELAYLINE MODS o 83 It IECHANICAL CHANGES o 8...

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Page 10: ...The disk Eest is especially useful for identlfying the true perfornance of a drive This test can be run by any user but hardware experience will be necessary to lsolate some types of problems and rep...

Page 11: ...DYSANlt506 400 80 t rk double density l6 sectors 256 bytes I D i s k e t t ec l e a n i n gk i t r o D K 0 0 0 3 VERBATIM II2LL45 Addttlonal equipurent needed l or lfz Phillips head screw drlver Oscl...

Page 12: ...a1l ONLY be handled on anti static mats with the user grounded t o t h e n a t III O3 DISK DRIVE IIANDLING D l s k d r i v e s s h a l l b e g r a s p e d o n l y f r o m t h e f r o n t p l a s t l c...

Page 13: ...h sn 80 track drive and a 40 track drlve can be tested by uslng SAGEUTIL to change the floppy parameters For example Boot the 80 track diskette usualty ln drlve lt4z to the TEST MENU T ren type trErt...

Page 14: ...Exceptlon error Parity error Memory error These errors can also be caused by a power supply with an lntermittent problem or whose voltages need adiusting 6 If the sign on appears ok but there is an er...

Page 15: ...w e e n5 0 t o 5 l V Replace the power supply if this is not possible C h e c k 1 2 V f o r 1 1 5 E o 1 3 0 V I z V f o r 1 0 0 t o 1 3 5 V If the other voltages fal1 outside the limlts replace the P...

Page 16: ...e c h a s s i s The board whether in or out with anti static materials and Disconnect the fan power cord on the power supply shield SAGErr SERVTCE MANUAL 1 0 CHECKING THE POWER SUPPLY REPLACING THE P...

Page 17: ...memory at address reset they are switched to reside at 000000 the diagnostlc ln the release It contalns processor and F80000 but on On power up or when the processor is RESET the processor starts exec...

Page 18: ...r C h e c k f o r s h o r t s t o a n o t h e r l l n e o r a b a d b u f f e r d r i v e r If tr o lines are shorted together o the signal may stlll change but the level of the signal will be too low...

Page 19: ...of drive is installed always double density double sided fornnat SW7 FLOPPY CONFIGURATION up 40 track 48 TPI drlve dwn B0 track 90 TPI drlve The terminal dlsplays rr Sage Iltt At thls point the termin...

Page 20: long word t 4 bytes is set to 00000000 and read back bytes is set to FFFI FFFFand read back Then it is set to its own address and program goes on to next long word W h e n a l l 1 2 8 K i s d o n e...

Page 21: ...on ls not there then an error messageis dlsplayed Not Boor dlsk If a tlmeout occurs while trying to access the diskette he program assumesthere is no dlskette there and outputs Put ln B00T disk and pr...

Page 22: the spectfled drlve and block number A perlod ls dlsplayed for each successful transfer whlle an X ls displayed for each unsuccessful transfer A11 errors are lgnored by the system Signals to the F...

Page 23: ...8o these locatlons nay have changed The flag at 104H is also cleared so that the debugger w111 not attenpt to use the BIOS The Iooped test selectlon repeats the startup tests in pROMover and over aga...

Page 24: ...ur 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TROUBLESHOOTING HIf TS Faulty CPUsare very rare Faulty EPROI 1s are falrly common Faulty RAl lchlps are fairly common A faulty RAMcannot keep the system from glvlng a slgn on message...

Page 25: ...4 Iihz at pln 1l of U34 It should be there If lt was at U75 p t n 9 VIII 02 CHECKINGTEE ADDRESSSTROBELINE Check to see lf AS pin 13 of If AS is noE rlght then check It should be high or floating low c...

Page 26: ...el voltage between 0 and 5V at lnEervals during the refresh They may cause lnconslstent errors Good slgnals wtl1 change quickly between ground and 5V wlthout pauslng ln the nlddle VIII 04 CIIECKING TH...

Page 27: ...the computer board 4 Removethe fastenlngs securlng the circult board to the chassls 5 Gently bend the back panel outward so that the clrcuit board may be moved back sufflciently that the LED on the f...

Page 28: thev will nornally qult operatlng OPERATIOH l 2 3 Remove the lid from the system If the system wl11 boot fairly s t a r t t h e t e s t O t h e r w i s e s e t over and over See the writeup varying...

Page 29: ...the socket Inspect the pins of all the chlps to see lf any are curled under the chtp lnstead of going lnto the socket Iook f or foreign matter Jaurmedln wlth the pln of a socket Are the caPacltors the...

Page 30: ...rrupt check an optlonal test Ttrese tests are run repeatedly over many cycles Each of the teets is descrlbed ln separate chapters of thls sectl on The teet criterla for each test has been carefully de...

Page 31: ...t scratch diskettes into the drive s to be tested Type ttytt to continue ttNttwill exit 5 CONFIGUMTION CYCLER shows the slze of the disks and memory ATTACI TEST PASSED 512K of RAM wi11 be resred DISK...

Page 32: ...ard 35 FAILED soft 102 FAILED data 0 PASSED was 333 should DTR to DSR PRIME to CD be 342 htgh 01T 0 RCV 0 low ruF 1 RCV 192 DISK If4 ERRORS hard sof t data ERR0RS hard soft data 1I FAILED 30 FAILED t...

Page 33: ...he drlve lt left or 5 rlght and the type of error hard soft or data to be plotted Read or wrlte errors can also be shown This graph shows that drlve lt4 is naklng more errors the longer tt runs Drive...

Page 34: ...nd wtll be shown after the ttFAILED nessage on the maln dlsplay Disk lt4 Head lt top vs Head ltt botrom 4 0 1 2 3 4 __ _____5__ 6_______ 6 Next the total hard soft and data errors per drive are shown...

Page 35: ...f data errors S Check swltches Ttrls calls a routine whlch w111 display the values read from the 2 groups of dtp swltches on the back of the Sage II The swltch settlngs are displayed as rf you were lo...

Page 36: ...ogram called DATAPAGE which slmply lists the ftle paging at each occurance of llllllll The data results of each ttkeep takes about 18 blocks This enables the results of many tests to be kept together...

Page 37: ...condlti on so Ehat the signals on the port can be probed Stop controls Each of the values that nay stop a test can be changed Tlping Just a return w111 leave the current value alone these values are r...

Page 38: to the output devlce Remember to put the scratch floppy bac k in or continuing the test w111 destroy all the data Just written Zero all errora All error counts are set to zero so that a new test...

Page 39: ...ten to all bytes of the block and read back The origlnal contents are restored Interrupts are enabled The calllng PASCAL routlne RAI ITFSTwill call the block tesr for all of memory Then the test patte...

Page 40: ...evious failure 4 The control line DTR is set low and DSR is checked to see that it goes low as they are tied together 5 The control llne DTR is set hlgh and DSR is checked to see thar tt g o e s h l g...

Page 41: ...heck also to see that the servlce klt connector ls mounted correctly and that the wire ls not broken Wtth CTS disabled no data can fo recelved A 5 byte transmisslon ls set up A timeout on receive shou...

Page 42: ...d to transmir and read rhe d a t a The parallel test does these operations 1 The The current parallel port configuratlon is saved test conflguration ls defined for the BI0S PRIME is set low CD ls chec...

Page 43: ...a lines connected together Output ltnes BUSY pApER SEL and FAULTshould also be checked PRII E to CD htgh PRII IEis set high CD should follow rhe odd bits on the data bus are selected Bl 83 84 86 A11 v...

Page 44: ...diskettes would be more properly called 80 cylinder and 40 ylinder drlves but the older single slded nomenclature has carrled over here The dlsk test does the following operatlons The entire dlskette...

Page 45: the test program Soft errors are tracked by the Head and cylinder that they occur orr A large number of soft errors nay lndlcate that the drlve ls out of allgnment or that lmperfect dlsket es are b...

Page 46: ...r deftned lf the IEEE 488 bus lmplementation is not needed XI lO ATTACNTEST The attach test checks the timing hardware registers ln lJ7 4 an 8253 and the bios lnterrupt structure for lt A 5 second tlm...

Page 47: ...TEXT Dlsplays errors CYC PARAIT Test parameter flle A ssembl e r CYC 68000 TEXT A ssemble CfC RALI TEXT C omplle CYC PLOT TEXT C omplle CfC MAIN TEXT lncludes CYC SERIAL TEXT CYC PARALLEL TEXT CYC ER...

Page 48: to boot to the test menu Select CLEANER The system w111 ask for the number of the drive to be cleaned Type 1n rf 4rr f or the 1ef t hand drive 5 for the right hand drive or ItQ to q u L t Put the...

Page 49: ...r each pass EQUIPHENT NEEDED a floppy dlsk ls disk sLnce this end user determlne help the servlce of the test wlth Dysan Corporatlon 5201 patrlck Henry Dr Santa Clara CA 95050 OPERATION The SAGEmust b...

Page 50: ...p e a t t e s t f o r 9 p a s s e s 0 Output data to A SCRN W Wrl te this screen K K e e p r e s u l t s E E X I T Type the key lndicated to perform one of these functions 4 DRIVE 14 z Testing begins...

Page 51: ...NT TEST 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3...

Page 52: ...res output to PRINTER NOTE The printer speed and type is conflgured using SAGEUTIL See the SAGEowner s manual lI Wrlte thl s screen This writes the menu screen output optlon It is used was run ofl to...

Page 53: ...l format has been written on TRACK0 both sldes Thls format has 16 sectors per TRACKwtth 256 bytes per sector Thl s ls dlfferent from the standard SAGE format which has 8 sectors per TRACKwlth 5Lz byte...

Page 54: ...alternately displaced an equal amount on either slde of track centerllne A read fallure wtll lndicate feccentricltyrr where the drive fatled to stay ln the center of the track PATTERNI nllllnches 6 5...

Page 55: ...ndle PATTERN2 ntllinches 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 s 6 _ l L l _ sector I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 T 2 1 3 t 4 l 5 1 6 d d d o f f s e t 0 0 2 5 2 5 3 0 3 0 3 5 3 5 4 0 4 0 4 5 4 5 5 0 5 0 5 5 5 5 The data...


Page 57: ...STIC BUILDINGALIGN XI I I 05 BI ILDIilG ALIGN The source dlskette should have these files A M A I N T E X T o o 8 i o p r o g r a m A D I S K T E X T o d l _ s kt e s t s C omplle A fAIN TEXT lncludes...

Page 58: ...d tllted up After the front of the board clears the top of the front panel the board may be slid forward to remove the connectors from the back panel The board may then be removed from the chassis The...

Page 59: ...K IODS TANDONDISK SETUP None The seven resl stor pullup straps should be removed on a drlve which ls closest to the cpu in a two drlve system the iiead load Jumper should be ln the rl fr posl_tl_on Th...

Page 60: ...SETUP POrER ltOD FOR 220V Remove jumper Wl01 for 220V 1 1 0 V None The reslstor pack shall be removed from one drlve ln a two drlve system The head load jumper shall be placed in the rrHMrrposltlon Th...

Page 61: ...MTNAL CABLE MULTIUSER TELEVIDEO925 SAGEII TERMINAL I BRoWN 2 BIACK 3 RED s 6 9 7 GREEN The sage part lt shall be narked on both ends of the cable SAGE MODEM shall be marked on the SAGEII end TTERI IIN...

Page 62: ...1 BROWN 2 BLACK 3 RED 5 9 6 I IHITE 7 GRIEN The sage part lt shal1 be rnarked on both ends of the cable SAGEMODEI I shall be marked on the SAGEII end QtiMEPRINTERsha1l be narked on the prlnter end Duu...

Page 63: ...34 of the cable and to plns l 34 of Connector A The last two plns of Connector A are unused The polarizlng tabs of connector B must face the ribbon cable Trlm the cable so that the edges are even and...

Page 64: ...he direction of U55 is switched by BRW and data ls transferred to the processor when BRI 1s low and from the processor to J2 and the rest of the system when low The directlon of U43 ls controlled by R...

Page 65: ...ruptlng device these llnes wtll be servlced PR OCESSIilGSTATES and ls the lnterrupt prlortty l evel and 9 IPLO IPLI and IpL2 are the processor and when any of these whose rrprlorLty addresstt appears...

Page 66: ...fter a perlpheral device has been addressecl and that the read or write cycle can be completed Thls ls accompllshed by taking the logical AND of the decoded select llne for a devlce or group of devlce...

Page 67: ...out error le caused when AS stays low for longer than 16 usec Thl s ls caused by elther a software or hardware condltlon whlch prevents DTACK from belng applled wlthin 15 usec I lhen AS becomes actlv...

Page 68: ...determlnes whether the clock WCK ts at a 250 l hz or 500 khz rate Refer ro the floppy disk circuir d e s c r l p t l o n f o r m o r e d e t a l 1 o f o p e r a t l o n U71 is also a 4 bit synchronou...

Page 69: p 5 IEEE 488 port p 6 Parallel prlnter port p 6 parallel port floppy p 2 Interrupt controller p Timer baud rate p 2 Tlrner p 2 The lower data llnes are connected to the T O devices through U56 a 74...

Page 70: ...pper left corner of this page ls the parity error lnterrupt generatLon cLrcult Ttre parlty reset signal PRES comes from U39 pin l on page 6 PRES goes low during inltiallzatl on ls lnverted at 74LS04 U...

Page 71: ...ny addresses on the ROWaddress llnes This is a 250ns pulse generated when RF goes hlgh settlng the output pln 6 of U4l AND hlgh unrtl the tow st nal propagates through the delay line 260ns setting the...

Page 72: ...tLve low for a wrlte cycle at pln 11 of U32 74LS00 NANDgate All of the slgnals on the right side of schematic page 3 except BE and RAM are RAtl control signals and go to page 4 BE goes to U52 g page I...

Page 73: ...the upper byte The lowest order bits and the lowest order nlbbles are toward the left The two coltrmns of parity IC s are down the rniddle the bit columns are numbered across the top of the parts loca...

Page 74: ...chip ls used ln the interrupt driven mode with the processor respondlng to an asy nchronous i nterrupt from the 765 for every byte transferred A n F D C 9 2 1 6 d i g i t a l d a t a s e p a r a t o r...

Page 75: ...e lnterface to generate control signals However the port for the dip swltches could concelvably be used as a 16 blt parallel port The ports ln thls section are the RS232 the serial prlnter the paralle...

Page 76: ...oes to the intelli gent interrupt controller U73 23 on page 2 Other connectlons tcr page 2 are Lhe buffered address lines at pins 8 and 9 the chip select C N f r o m L r l g l l a n d t h e b u f f e...

Page 77: ...PAGE7 OF SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS Texas Instruments XVI I 07 PAGB 7 OT SCHEITIATIC DIAGRAI TS PO trBRAND GROUND Thts page includes all of the power and ground connectlons for Jack connectors and lntegrated...

Page 78: ...p o r t c h i p s e l e c t U 3 6 FCz Functlon code 2 from CPU FD Floppy disk control ler chip select U50 FIII Interrupt dlrect fr om floppy disk controller USO FnI FDC lnterrupt after software enabl...

Page 79: ...tive htgh SC Control llne for IEEE 488 buffer SRES Systernreset from reset SWor CpU S1 Termlnal port chip select U25 52 Modem porr chlp selecr U26 SL0 Drlve select 0 decoded SLl Drlve select I decoded...

Page 80: ...odes pertaln to the floppy driver Codes 14 and 15 may come from anv device SIIMMARYOF BIOS CHANNEL ERRORCODES T 0 No error 1 Floppy controller would not respond 2 Floppy controller returned invalid co...

Page 81: ...out of range GARBAGBTEXT See TERMINALproblems LED BLINKING If bltnking on boot see TERMINAL PROBLEMS A bllnking LED ln the CYCLERrest lndlcares that the test 1s flnlshed Connect a ternninal and type...

Page 82: ...type frQrr to get to the debugger insert boot disk in the rlght drlve t y p e r r l F l t r t o b o o t t o t h e r i g h t d r L v e See TERMINAL PROBLEMS The machine does not start up The processor...

Page 83: see if plns 2 and 3 are reversed The SAGE II terminal le set up as DaCa Communlcations equipment Refer to the CABLE WIRING NOTES on how rhe cable should be bul1t Refer to the sectl on on the POI I...

Page 84: ...blts set are the state of the processor functlon code outputs FCO FCland FCz is 0 for an lnstruction I for not an instructl on l s 0 f o r w r i t e I f o r r e a d l s t h e 8 d i g l t a d d r e s s...

Page 85: ...solve the problem the bank enables for banks 1 2 3 are fed through an nonLnvertlng open collector buffer Ul4 to the bus error lnput of the processor through a dlp shunt Wlth the proper connectlons ln...

Page 86: ...should not be used Thls error should never occur There are 16 trap locatlons ln the 68000 0 14 of which are normally unasslgned by the Debugger Trap 15 ls used for breakpoints by the Debugger Traps 8...

Page 87: ...edure not present at exlt tftne 4 Stack overflow 5 Integer overflow 6 Dlvlde by zero 7 Invalld memory reference bus tlmed out 8 User break 9 SysternI O error l0 User I 0 error I I Unimplementedlnstruc...

Page 88: ...03 cHANcEsFROHC80000TO C8000I The CB0000s were modified by the factory to be as nearly identical electri cal 1y as possible to the CB000l Any problems with the C80000 should be referred to the factory...

Page 89: ...moved CB000l had these chips silkscreened wrong U35 was shown as LS245 should be LS240 U59 61 was shown as 75189 should be 1489 U60 r rasshown as 75188 should be 1488 The CB0001had one factory mod to...

Page 90: ...nter port and can be strapped elther to 5V or Ground Vari ous capacitors were repositioned the Straps were sllkscreened and numbered V76 LS00 was added to allow the user to make a mod to allow extra d...

Page 91: IIUST be replaced with lOuf 25V capacitors REGARDLESSof whether they seem to cause problens or not The straps as shown ln older Users Manuals before verslon 1 4J and thelr schematlcs do not match t...

Page 92: ...s The delay values also dlffered sllghtly The table below ls also shown on the schematic to help reference the pins while troubleshootlng Delay values vs pin numbers v42 rN 70 90 zso 260 3zo 375 rN 60...

Page 93: Jan 83 New style mechanlcs as deslgned for SAGEIV and low proflle SAGHII lncluded a deslgn for standard size SAGE II wlth removable front and back Some AC DC power wlring harnesses prlor to Jan I w...

Page 94: ...r o o 6 9 C h a n g e s r o o I r 7 9 M e c h a n l c a l r o 8 4 Channel B I 0 S e r r o r c o d e s o 7 l C h e c k l i s t o I o o 2 0 C L E A N E R r o r o 1 3 9 b u i l d i n g o o r j 9 S O u f...

Page 95: ...i g n m e n t o c l e a n l n g o 3 9 C Y C L E R t e s E o 3 5 f ormat 35 M l c r o p o l l s o o 5 0 M l t s u b l s h l r 5 0 rgplacl ng 49 s t r a p t g s t o o t o r o o o 3 7 T a n d o n o 5 0...

Page 96: ...6 2 c o n t r o l s i g n a l s 6 3 6 4 g f f o f S r o 5 n o n e x i s t a n t o 6 3 7 6 r e f r e s h c o n t e n t l o n o 6 2 t e s t r r 1 1 MFI I r o o o o 69 M I r o o r r 9 M i c r o p o l i...

Page 97: ...t o 3 0 lntgrmlttent 20 m e m o f y t e S E o 1 1 n o n g x L s t a n t r 6 3 7 6 p a f l t y e f f o f o o 7 7 r e f r e s h c o n t e n t i o n r r 6 2 w r l t e l O o p o o o 1 4 R D o r r 7 0 R D...

Page 98: ...r Board w l t h o l d C P Ub o a r d s 7 9 WP o 70 W R o o 7 0 GROUP A power up Systernclock Svstem level T T a n d o n d r i v g o 5 0 T C o r c 7 0 T g a c d r i v e I o o o 5 0 T e m p e r a t u r...

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Page 100: ...g L t T l o u 6 Lsz fo o O l ls oq Reu Ls ort it l t L 2 5 L a U o oa D I U L D3 Tc D 8 n Dt Fffix D 6 D7 fr s o B VB D 1 6 l as D I o I D lf o 6L l o D r a o c A K Df3 D r b l f tffi i At Fti A T l...

Page 101: ...l 5 o Rz I P etuo s 5 r tq i 8 3 164KCrfroNi I 3 tz s f rs Ls oq rz Ls orl REsEr T Ttaf I 444 sl o U cst S r o ffnut 6 e t r T A L o I A 3 t A l X A T A s l o I 9 Lstoq t ug ot r A o i a t e i A z c g...

Page 102: ...B I B fi u B 7 Azo At9 A2t Azt At At5 At6 EAtr S A L t 5 REst R p Tlo DA RN9 Lg otl FCz A t 3 Arz Art s t Sz FD Hr cN Ds Tru BT ta D R A t A t A b d Av 6Kl DL D 2 i D3r D l D t f tl lJ DlR M L s l H...

Page 103: ...SRE5 R D DR L g a RN9 S t r Tcz K 9Att I Alt lo t g iD N Ko ar 8Vr 8D1 BPzt EDrt Boqt SDtr Ds B Bot fil c 6l oul Db UfS D 7 EA1 I A2 tL q Ltlsl Br ftu l 60pt tsPrr BD2 BD3t B0rlr B o s BD6 8 0 7 AI2I...

Page 104: ...l l w r f n l ll r fi Dal I l 1 u t H I l I I l l t l rJ I Ls ol I I I t lft r_sf l r t l w I lbarf I asrtr _ I osrD i Rn I INPUT PTN NUFISEI ts FOR coLunrl DEI AY IN h5 Tt PUT6O 1 ULlz PARINUI1BER 7...

Page 105: ...lqt nQ pa6 Rn r R4 RAtl ABr F A L R A t f nNb l q 7r EE RASO Qest Rnsz Q Ils 3 Rrlrwt c 952 cnS3 cl1 t cftsg l a4 L A I Qut ttht d ln aD us o l o t sz 2 aa 82 l7 C et fz ft 4 l 4 82 1 1 S za ez l Q la...

Page 106: ...fl ftsr l t l L_J 11 I T I T T T N T T I T I T I T T T T T i l N I T T T TT T T L J tlu ct t U6 L grzs 14 6 3 rz3...

Page 107: ...I T T T I T T T T T T T l T I T I I T I T T T I T T T T I T T T T T TT n T lJll c t t bil nGE tTaz 2 o sz 17C z 2t gz 2 c 6 gz t C r eo gz ft c o 7 82 Ad pRtd U O gr23 U23 Srzs...

Page 108: ...D7 v tDE AO cs HD o e B o uQ sftP Tc J F ttr I U t t Qc d0 AE b 6 Z 0 L s t 6 l RDY grill US zb sLp S L t noT PCRYV P sbrl E b l b ED 6 D i t Baf 6 D 6 Boz 841 FD Ro UR T c t wcxi FAEs rrlFtt t lttnz...

Page 109: ...r 1 4 3q s E L E T D t v e d 6E LEcT 08 UE t fitor F c N Nf rTF DATA Nc Nc NL N C NC D R r r e G h T e l AD sFLEcr DIRECTION STEP T A A C K q 0 lR tre PR TE T z vDEX RAUSDArA Ls lq f F D E l i l t s...

Page 110: ...CS RTS t l NCt i iLnc 5 l an I a I 6 o 22 t 4lK RNl L 5V 6 l f Evtc lQno NC bd TXD DZ 13 RXD d m usr r l t l a 7 a R b v r r in BR CS FTs RES o iR TXC CK RXC I rc 5 RXZI BDO BDI BD2 BD3 BD4 BD5 BD 5...

Page 111: ...2 B3 5v i i tjSOI NC 39 J 5 BDO BDI BDZ BD3 BDl BDS BD6 BD7 HPT BAI BAZ BA3 HP WR l7 El Drol I IDIOZ glmoa r p1CI4 F IDIOs Fgt was t l0 lDIol IDTAS I I I InrN I iIFc INDAC lrunru l _o_ll 5t Inl i _ l...

Page 112: ...otJ E TRS Dorn tloLt rt F FoA sccat P PlP eAALcHtPs fsr FF fr t t jt t 7 92 AoD To FREE u7 l l 423 n 2 l 02o n27 8 P b lrrob To ALbw Fln To BF fr cf 5 1K dR teza ra6i zK I ct I t j F i4 l l LSoo u q r...

Page 113: ...s ra ut1 nN I AND UL T PtNtf u71 PrX 8 srrrL Gos ro Utl PtNi i r Uq1 PtN t l u21 Pttt I DoLsildr Co To u56 Ptx t Tlo L S 2 L E N t 7 rz BE 3A6E COI IPUTER te63 I1OOtrFICATIONS TO CPUSOARD rt 2 2 csooo...

Page 114: ...Jt t lSr blzo 7 u 2d uzz uzg ttgl u3z uJ3 tls4rus 043 ruLll u42 UV LLqg Uto Ut U52 ut3 urq ugz u6 u64 u tt Ll66 u 2z utq u67 U23 11127 t U3O U3 6 Ur Z I LL oL63 u6 LtTo 12 U2t L 7 u o Lt ltz Lt 6 Uq3...

Page 115: ...Sn GE ttae oat Rc6r r S za 6...
