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RWH-FL01 Float Switch          







Product ID: RWH-FL01






The float switch can be wired either to turn a pump off or to turn a pump on. Identify 
your application first, before proceeding to connecting the wiring. Correct connection of a 
float switch does require electrical knowledge and expertise. 



The float switch must be mounted in the tank or water source so that it can rise or fall 
with the water level and turns off or on at the correct level. Before fitting, tip the float 
switch up and down, listening to the gravity switch moving inside the body, in order to 
satisfy yourself of the angle at which the switch moves. Secure the cable some distance 
from the float switch by one of two methods: 

If a bulkhead or downpipe is available in the water source, secure the float switch 

cable to it with a nylon tie wrap or similar. Only drill a hole in the bulkhead or downpipe 
for the tie wrap if drilling does not compromise the water tightness of the tank. 
The diagrams show this mounting 
method, with float switch cable 
attached to a 4 inch downpipe in 
a storage tank by nylon cable tie 
or similar. On the left, float switch 
is free to float in the presence of 
water and has turned a pump ON 
or OFF depending on wiring. On 
the right, float switch can flip to 
the other electrical position (OFF 
or ON) as the water level drops to “empty” 

If no such solid mount is available, the cylindrical counter weight (supplied with 

the float switch) can be used as an anchor, below which the float switch cable flexes. 
Peel the plastic ring off 
the counterweight and 
place the ring round the 
float switch cable below 
the weight.  Thread the 
cable  through the weight 
so it hangs on the ring. 
Secure the cable in the 
right position at the top of 
the tank securely but making sure that the insulation of the cable will not rub and break 
(risk of short circuit). 

In either mounting method i or ii, adjust a) the position of the tie wrap or 

counterweight anchor and b) the length the cable after this point so that the float switch 
turns the appliance on or off at the correct water levels. 
