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FM Transmitter Operation Manual 

Thank you for purchasing the PLFMTR4! Ensure the best operation of your device by reading this 

brief manual before operating your device. 


Set Up: 



nsert this FM transmitter into your vehicle’s cigarette lighter or power port 


Tune to your radio to a desired FM frequency, then match that same 

frequency on to the player by using the buttons on the unit or on the 
remote control. If you’re getting a lot of static, try another station. 


Plug a USB stick into the device to listen to your digital music. 


You can also connect virtually any audio device using the 2.5mm to 

3.5mm adaptor — just connect your iPod, iPhone, Android, or other 
MP3 player to the adaptor and then plug in to the FM transmitter. 


change tracks and sort through your music, use your connected device, 

not the remote control for the PLFMTR4.


Operation Guide: 

Operation Guide 

FM transmitter   

Remote Control 

1. How to play and stop 

Press “PLAY” Button : Play the music 

Second Press “PLAY” Button: Stop   

Press PLAY/PAUSE Button 

2. How to adjust the Volume 

Long Press “

” button :Increase the Volume

Long press 

“ ” Button :Decrease the Volume 

Press “VOL+”” Increase the 


Press “VOL-”” 

reduce the Volume


3. How to change the 


Press “CH” button first, then 

press “

”: increase the frequency 

Press ” ”: decrease the frequency 

Press “CH+” button: 

Increase 0.1MHZ   

Press “CH-” button: 

reduce 0.1MHZ   

Or press the number of the 

frequency what you desired 

and then press “CH SET” 


4. How to choose music 

Short Press “

”Button: Play the next song; Short Press “ ” 

Button: Play the previous song; 

Press “NEXT”Button: Play 

the next song; Press “PREV” 

Button: Play the previous 


Or press the serial number of 

the song then press “PICK 


5. How to set EQ 

Not Supported 

Press “EQ” button to switch 

your favorite EQ 

