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Summary of Contents for leisure

Page 1: ..._ o o o o c o cr L C c o C 2 o J l c c c o o_ www foldingcampers net...

Page 2: ...H E g P 2 l i i H e r F i t i g e i l g s F E Ei g I g i P E t ti rf nf i i sEilt j E i iig q t i i T e a 9 E a o T E o 5 t E i E i t ii i i 5ri is gag 4 T E 4 g j E i 5 I www foldingcampers net...

Page 3: ...Y A E g E M E o S e E f f r E E E E e p d g F i r F Y E l L t 6 r E r l e r 9 s E E H E i E g g i i E P E F P F S T E c E E E E rft o o rft o rf o __ i d o E v e o 4 9 5 u E E i g E E E r s P o E 6 o...

Page 4: ...I l 4 l EE ffi g 8 a E 9 5 s E O l l l n g 5 r o E c o f n E O 5 E o E H o L 19 o s F E i E E g E i e E 2 E g t i EiE t 5 f e D 2 e u E E U 5 t f s u E 8 d r g F E i t 5 o o t G o o a i o i www foldin...

Page 5: ...f o o z J I z 9 _ 9 5 o z r 4 z I z o o P o _g I _0 9 o 3 E o e I f 9 q t E i _0 t r a i 4 0 x E z p i i g n O E i i i i i 9 z 2 t r A z l t h E 3 E F i A 6 5 E g I g P E _o _ 9 i 0 tr E c o z e z o...

Page 6: ...t I E 3 g q r q h e E u E _ d l U l i E E z 6 E I E z E z o E i 6 _ 9 3 e E z _g 9 E s a 9 P I p s 9 E s E 6 E _ 9 E o www foldingcampers net...

Page 7: ...o h E i s E c f E e l 6 E 6 t 6 515 E e s fr E l i r s g l s i t E i a E t 3 T i i 1 1 3 l a F E t _ s E l d d l E 9 4 I t t P i i i t H i g E j _ a E E X E F E i i Z j E i F j E 5 6 i i 6 Z g 9 F t...

Page 8: ...EfEc E it 4 t T I 9 g E o p i i j j ij E EiIff giE l i r j iFigii l itiiigiI ii E E I E E _ 9 g 5 9 e o 9 Y 3 e g x a t E l o 9 j I E _9 g a E I E I 9 9 s E E i i d F E 9 2 g 9 X 5 E 9 9 o f F c g_ E...

Page 9: ...E E c i E E S F E s l i 6 i E F z f 19 E H E E E E E E a o B 9 E E E E E E g E E E F t E _ g g E t t t q l J O E c Q g s Q b a F E E S P i E E e E P e s s 3 r S t s s t o o Ct e gl a a EL II a E E F E...

Page 10: ...policy e ommended nd endorsedbv the NationalCaravln Coun il Vide All Risks Cover especiallvdesisoedfor Folding Campers andPersonal Ldsgage andEffecrs Low preniums with dkcounts for new owners _ e e Ca...

Page 11: ...ll rubbish hy Ae meons provided ond on cosuol sibshe blriesit or ickesit owoyfor disposol elsewhere indreproper monner He colle bwosiewoter from the comperwosteoudetin o re eptoclewhich he doesnot oll...

Page 12: ...ouse of rhedifferenes in reishrof moleriol suPplied tor construclion of he comper vo otionof of h monufdcture 3 sroted exworkswejghtconbeexpected A tuol lndenweight Thebiol weishr f he comper ond ib c...

Page 13: ...rheRoodond vehicles lConsrrucrion ond Usel Regulorions I986 POWER TOWEIGHT RATIO OFTOWING VEHICE TOCAMPER The per ormonce of fie towiis vehiclehos on imporloni beorins onirssuiiobilily foriowing ond t...

Page 14: ...verlaYs WraPPed Mouldings UK salesofii I Buttefli k Drive Shrewsbury SYI3XE Telephone 01743 150580 Fa6imile 01743 162122 Fealurcs omhdBdvyoulruh LodohgnghighRuily Pdbs inmldi re seu rt 3 v r e Pdddonh...

Page 15: thebrcke sysem shock oborberofoverrunnins hiichdeb ii Reploce shck obo ber Bockmotbroke sfe skew in the broke she Reploce complete brokeshoe withbroke rroiler olrecdy brokes when relieving thefot...

Page 16: ...theslightest downwordpressure it will lockontotheboll outomoticolly Ensure lockingtriggerreturnsto its free position Connectthe breokowoycoble ond lightingplug to the towing vehicle Roise theiockeywhe...

Page 17: ...exponding clutch Theclutchforcesbothshoesintocontoctwith the drum lnitiol friction behveenthesecreoteso tendenryfor the shoesond expondingclutchto movein the directionof wheelrototionie reverse This...

Page 18: ...ilesor 2 monthly O Inspect ollwheels O Exomine ond lubricote thebollcouplinq O Inspect ond lubricote theover running device O Lubricote theiockeywheel O Lubricote thebrokelinkoge O Lubricote thecorner...

Page 19: ...ompensote for weor of thJb ok ho liningond subsequent stretching of theBowden cobres Thetroiler broke will be sublectto greoterweor when used on conlinuousmountoiniourneys Thecorner steodiesshould nev...

Page 20: ...w ond pivotpoints CHECK THE WHEET NUTS BEFORE STARTING EVERY JOURNEY h Apply the hondbroketwo or threeiimesto ensurethot the broke shoesore centrolised on the drum Re check shoe cleoronce ot thewheelb...

Page 21: ...hould be checked withthevres cold notoftero run whenthepressure willbehigher Neverreduce thepressures wnen ihetyresorewormostheycouldbetoolowwhentheycooldo n lf your compershouldhoveo puncture reploce...

Page 22: ...elmoy be roisedby windingdown the cornersteodies on thotsideevenly ie wind one tuin on eoch steody olternotely untilthewheeliscleorof theground IWARNING Thesidedoor mustbeclosed whenthisoperotion is c...

Page 23: ...ckor similor device fit it now 1 Store thecontents of lockers securely close olldoors Mokesurethetoble is stowedcorrecilyond if you hove o fridge close the door securely remember olwoysto pushthe trov...

Page 24: ...horizontol withthejockey wheelroised Stobilisers A stobilisershould ne rerbe used to try to improveo comper towing vehiclecombinotion which hos poor stobilit y becouse theinstobility willreoppeor ot h...

Page 25: ...os for cors A reflective blockondyellowplotemoybeusedon o troiler towedby o vehicle with non reflective plolesond viceverso SpeedLimits Normolroodtowing 50mph All otherlimits opply Motorwoys includin...

Page 26: ...ont extent NOTE In the eventof fittingo stobiliser o bolt on l ypeof orrongement is recommended The hitchossembly on chossis members should neuer bedrilled without prioropprovol of chossis monufocture...

Page 27: ...wordmovement repositions thebroking outoreverse mechonism thusollowing thehondbroketo becomeeffeciive whenopplied lf porking on steepor slipperyslopesos o precoutionory meosure the wheels should beode...

Page 28: ...or downuntilthespirit levelindicotes thotthecomoer is level fore ondoft 3 Winddownthecorner sieodies onto lood spreoders pieces of wood6 inches squore iokingcorenotto liftthecomper NOTE Corner steodie...

Page 29: ...rminol No I L 2 54G 3 3 1 4 R 5 58R Yellow blue White Green Brown Gouge l 5mm2 l 5mm2 2 5mm2 l 5mm2 l 5mm2 l 5mm2 l 5mm2 Eorth 6 54 Red 7 58L Block RHIndicotor Lomp RHtoil RHside number plote light St...

Page 30: ...llltr q I v l I c n I I Toiler Flush I l rrqnstormer I ll l 240v J f t l l T rm t I I roilerrlush I Itr t I I r r r3AI I I socret I j I w I I Heqter I Vio 2s Socket Trqnsformer RCD EE i l l l o 0 I t...

Page 31: ...55 Kitchen Equipment Selectingo Bqtfrery We recommend theuseof o lully seoled leod ocid rechorgeoble botterymodefor leisureuse Theseore rotedin ompere hours consult yourPennine deoler WARNINGS t Swir...

Page 32: ...syou ore quolified to do so Connecting coblesmustneverme ioined Connecling cqblesmustnot be coiledwhen in use lf your connection cobleis domoged buy o new one IIYr wrop connectionsin polytheneos conde...

Page 33: ...ORTANT lf youdo notreceive power tellthe siteoperotor Before connecting thecomperinstollotion io the moinssupply consult thenotice ot thesupply outlet ondcheck I o obove 5 ON TEAVING THESITE Reverse t...

Page 34: ...T_ L tEEl l t t r cll tml lrul E J l M oi ns Swit ch PTUG IN SYSTEMS LTD 0J482 659309 D C Outpuls J a g aa 6 MoinsPoiorrty O f l tUV www foldingcampers net...

Page 35: ...overcurrent Allocotion oftheMCB s isosfollows MCBI SocketOutlets MCB2 Fridge Trumo Ultrostore if fitted MCB3 iffinedl exrro Skt ffined Polorirylndicotor Thisred neonlightwill illuminote if themoinsin...

Page 36: ...oble to operotewith o wide rongeof inputvoltoges ond provideo siobleoutputvoltogeeven nder lood Theunitconprovide up to l2 ompsmoximum ofter whichit will beginto shutdownto protectitself To usethe bot...

Page 37: ...von is beingtowed The switchcon be plocedin this position should the corovon bottery become dischorged ond no moins power is ovoiloble Note Firstof oll thetowingvehicleshould beelectricolly connected...

Page 38: ...of LPG firedblownwarmair systems and storage water heaters for vehicles offers a complete rangeof heaters for folding campers caravans boatsandmotorhomes Whateveryour requirements or for further info...

Page 39: ...cked eochtimethecylinderisreploced lf it showssignsof crocking splittingor otherdeteriorotion ii shouldbe reploced The replocement hose shouldconformto BS3212 Gos SystemInlet Thegossystem inletis situ...

Page 40: ...lprovide thepower for heating hot water cooking andlighting You caneven enjoy a barbecue too Most caravanners choose Calorand with thousands of outlets nationwide you re never farfroma refill Whenyou...

Page 41: ...o 6kq proponecylinder ovoiloble especiolly developed by ColorGosfoi compers ond corovontourers Forthosethinkingof switching to propone with itssuperior winterperformonce C olor Gosdeo iers will be ple...

Page 42: ...dfamilyat their outdoorleisure centrein Chester It llcostyou nothingandyou lllearn a lottoo O Demonstrations on request O Easycreditterms a Part exchanges welcome O Pre owned unitsalways availableO Fu...

Page 43: ...could resultfrom o weok bottery 5 Sometimes whenrefillingthewoiercontoiner it is possible to creote on oirlockin thepump As o result thepumpwill run noisily ondwill notpump Tocurethis gentlyshoke theh...

Page 44: ...ento letoir escope whilethewoter heoteris filling Theheoter isfilled hen woterflowsoutof thetop Residues of frozenwotercon preventfillingif thereis o frosi Thewoterheoterconbe defrosted by switching o...

Page 45: ...slideswiich o Droin the wqter heqter if there is o risk of frosf lf thewoterheoter isnotto be usedfor o longerperiod mount cowlcover nonobservonce of thispointconleodto thefunction of theopplionce bei...

Page 46: ...notes Inevent of leoks in thegossystem or if thereiso smell of gos O extinguish oll noked flomes O do nof smoke O switch off the opplionces O close gos cylinder O open the windows O do not operote ony...

Page 47: ...ds ogoinsi oddingwoterto thebowlwithoutcossette in properposition TheThetford Cossette PortoPotti iso unique solution to o corovon s sonitory problem Note Thewoterforflushing thetoiletissupplied direc...

Page 48: ...Thisprocedute results in the bestbowl rinseond most efficient useof woter Afterflushing turntheknobin o clockwise direction to close thevolveblode Thetoilet conolsobe used with thevolveblodeopen hich...

Page 49: ...pressed withthumb whileemptying to ensure smooth outflow of tonk contents Whenempty rinsetonkondvolveblodeoreowithwoter NOTE Depress oir releose volvebuttononly hen pour spoutis pointing upwords l3 Af...

Page 50: ...flushing Portiolly fillbowlto coversoiled portion of bowl Nextflush will dissolve woste TIP Leove volveblodeopenduringuse No power to odd woler to toilet bowl F F r t Lheck LAJJEIIL sotetysensorswrtcn...

Page 51: ...esome osforthehobburners Ploce iheponcentrolly underthegrill The grill heotsup quicklyso it is unnecessory to pre heot it unless steoks or chopsore beingcookedin whichcoseo coupleof minutes pre heotin...

Page 52: ...G KEEPCHILDRENAWAY FROM THEVICINITY Turnpon hondles inwords sothevore outof reochof children ondconnot becought occidentolly Avoidusingponswitho diometer of less thonl00mm 4insor old mis shopen pons h...

Page 53: ...e pon supports ond burner cops Useo mild poste cleoner whichhostheVITREOUS ENAMEL recommendotion seol eg Jif Floshor Ajox liquid or useo moistsooppod eg Brillo Burner ring Fortheburners to work sofely...


Page 55: ...binets whichore in closeproximil y to ony cooking opplionce SpinfloLtd 4 6 Wellond Close Porkwood Industriol Estote Rutlond Rood sheffield s39aY Tel 0l l 4 2738157 THEELECTROLUX RM42OO INSTRUCTIONS FO...

Page 56: ...ncousefrostburnsif consumed stroioht fromthe freezer Frozen food mustnotbe refrozen onceit hosthowedout Monufocturers food storoge recommendotions should be strictly odheredto Refer to relevoni instru...

Page 57: ...trolond checkto seethot the flomeisolight SeeFig2 8 Toterminote gosoperotion iurn knob 4 to 0 240v Operotion 1 Turn offgosor l2v operotion whereopplicoble 2 Seiswitch 1 to position L l2v Operotion The...

Page 58: ...pening lt moyoe necessory to odiustthethermostot setting to ollowforihesefocrors The2 stor frozenfood comportment is intendedfor the storogeof frozenfoodsond for mokingice lt is not suitoble for freez...

Page 59: ...ot in usefor sometime 1 Turn ff ih Itg o ndelecrric po wer 4l 2 Emptytherefrigerotor ond defrostit 3 Cleontherefrijerotorinteriorond occessories ondwipe them 5 dry oherwords 6l lf TheRefrigerotor Foil...

Page 60: ...hedoor leftopenwhen it is not in use O Theventilotion openings ore notobstructed O Thedoor is securedby meonsof o hovel cotchwhen ihe comperison themove O Only one mode of operotionot o time is usedto...

Page 61: ...oture is low switch to highsetting Swirchingon the Ventilotion Switch theslidevolve ol to Ventilotion switch theslidevolve b to highsetting or low lood SwitchingOff Movethe slidevolue o to middleposit...

Page 62: ...g o blow bock misfire olwoyshovetheexhoust gos system checked by on expert 2 Alwoys keep the cowl for conductingexhoustgos ond supplying combustion oir free from contqminotion slush leoves eic 3 The i...

Page 63: ...bsolutely necessory to hove the complete gos instollotion regulorlycheckedby on experr every2 yeorsot thelotest During theinitiol operotion of o brondnewopplionce orofter it hosbeenusedfor some iime o...

Page 64: ...hen dry lf necessory o weok solutionof pure soop flokes moy be used to remove stubborn morks lt isimportont if thisisdone to cleono complete ponelof convos rotherthono smolloreo to ovoidwotermorking...

Page 65: ...rtoinsond mottresses ond storesofely indoors Vocuum ond cleontheinterior of yourcomper Cleonond polishthecookerhob Ensure cupboords ore cleor of foodor crumbs osvermincouldbe ottrocted if theyore left...

Page 66: ...ulotioncon result in theformotion of o soft porouslightgreyoxidisotion loyer Thisis knownos White Rust ond in thiscontext shouldnot be confused with rustos oppliedto sleel Lightwhiterustdeposits do no...

Page 67: ...devices ovoiloblefromyour deoler A wheelclomp is perhopsthe ultimotemethodof preventing your comper frombeingstolen Keepthegosbottlelockerlid podlocked ot oll times IN CASE OFFIRE Geteveryone outof th...

Page 68: ...rlystoges Tockle thefire fromtheoutside doorwoy NOT inside Never leto fireget between you ond yourwoy out lf you noveony doubtwhether your extinguisher is suitoble for the fire do NOT useit GETOUT Alw...

Page 69: ...NG Only deolwith minorfiresinvolving bottled gos There iso riskof explosion if o fireinvolving escopino botiled gos is extinguished be o ethe flow of gos h osstoppe d or if ihe cylinder is heoted in t...

Page 70: ...rollies held by the club both in the UK ond on the continent ore on unforgettoble experience indeed Complementing thisoctiveprogromme the Pennine Owners Cluboffersmonyotherexciting reosons for ioining...

Page 71: ...oggogeTrqilers Souths leoding distributors of nevyond used Pennine other leoding mokes ih lo23l 8046 3eO3 tEl9URE tRAlL Solent Ltd Hqskins Gcrrden Centre Complex Mcnsbridge Rd West End Soulhcrrnpton l...

