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Modulair 105-107-112

 air service equipment for use in potentially explosive at-

mospheres caused by gases, vapours, mists and/or dusts -

 ATEX 94/9/EC


 3834708 - A

MS P710-14


These Installation and Maintenance Instructions for 
MODULAIR 105-107-112  air service equipment are 
a general supplement to the specifi c Installation and 
Maintenance Instructions for MODULAIR 105-107-112 
air service equipment. Always use both I&M sheets for 
installing and maintaining the cylinders.


Essential Health and Safety Requirements:


MODULAIR 105-107-112 air service equipment is 
designed in accordance with Annex II of the European 
Directive 94/9/EC and standards EN 13463-1 and EN 
Classifi cation 

(zones 1 and 21):


II 2GD c IIB T85 °C (T6)  


II 2GD c IIC T85 °C (T6)  


Special conditions for safe use:

ASCO NUMATICS components are intended to be used 
only within the technical characteristics specifi ed on 
the equipment or in the Installation and Maintenance 

Ground continuity:

Since the surfaces of most of the metal parts of our air 
service equipment have been treated with a coating 
which is isolating, it is necessary to locally remove the 
coating to ensure ground continuity and check all me-
tal parts which come into contact with each other for 
ground continuity.
All metal or conductive parts must be interconnected 
and grounded.


The inlet pressure ratings are limited in 

accordance with ambient temperature (see Installation 
and Maintenance Instructions for each piece of air ser-
vice equipment).

The installation must be carried out in accordance 
with the requirements described in the Installation and 
Maintenance instructions. 
The air service equipment is designed to be installed 
in potentially explosive atmospheres caused by gases 
and/or dusts of Group II, Category 2GD.
In the case of air service equipment equipped with a 
plastic bowl and a metal protector, check to make sure 
that the metal protector is always in place.
The surface temperature classifi cation of 85°C depends 
on the ambient temperature indicated on the piece of 
equipment or in the Installation and Maintenance Ins-
The chemical compatibility of the materials of the MO-
DULAIR 105-107-112 type air service equipment must 
be verifi ed for the intended use.

In case a lubricator is used, it is recommended to 
make sure that the oils used are compatible with 
the atmospheres and temperatures indicated on the 
equipment or in the I&M sheets.
MODULAIR 105-107-112 air service equipment is 
equipped with air and condensate drains, it is therefore 
recommended to channel the discharges for exhaust 
into the atmosphere, if necessary.
The assembly of a MODULAIR 105-107-112 type air 
service component to another component of the same 
family does not constitute an additional explosive 


The equipment must be used within the limits defi ned in 
the installation and operating instructions. Failure to stay 
within the mechanical limits of the equipment will result 
in damage to or premature failure of the equipment. 


will also invalidate its approval for use in dusty and 
gaseous atmospheres.


Before and during any work on the plastic bowl (clean-
ing, replacement, fi lling etc.), make sure that no explo-
sive atmosphere is present.
For servicing, refer to the installation and operating 
instructions for MODULAIR 105-107-112 air service 



This operation must be carried out by suitably qualifi ed 
In the case of air service equipment equipped with a 
plastic bowl and a metal protector, make sure that the 
metal protector is properly in place and ensure ade-
quate earth continuity is maintained between the bowl 
and the body.


Depressurise the equipment and - if 

necessary - turn off the electrical power before any 

Wrong assembly will invalidate the approval.
In case of replacement of parts by the user, the 
traceability of the fi nal product cannot be guaranteed 
by ASCO NUMATICS and must be ensured by the 

See our documentation at:

Summary of Contents for Modulair 105

Page 1: ...k to make sure that the metal protector is always in place The surface temperature classification of 85 C depends on the ambient temperature indicated on the piece of equipment or in the Installation and Maintenance Ins tructions The chemical compatibility of the materials of the MO DULAIR 105 107 112 type air service equipment must be verified for the intended use In case a lubricator is used it ...

Page 2: ...iquée sur l appareil ou dans les mises en service La compatibilité chimique des matériaux des traitements de l air MODULAIR 105 107 112 doit être validée dans les atmosphères considérées Dans le cas d utilisation de lubrificateur il est recom FR INSTRUCTIONS D INSTALLATION ET D ENTRETIEN Traitement de l air Modulair 105 107 112 pour atmosphères explosibles sous forme de gaz vapeurs brouillard et p...

Page 3: ... die Druckluftaufbereitung des Typs Modulair 105 107 112 für den vorgesehenen Einsatzzweck ist jeweils zu prüfen Im Falle der Verwendung eines Ölers wird empfohlen zu überprüfen dass die Verwendeten Öle mit dem auf dem Gerät oder in den Anweisungen angegebenen Milieus und Temperaturen übereinstimmen DE INSTALLATIONS UND WARTUNGSANWEISUNGEN Geräte zur Druckluftaufbereitung des Typs Modulair 105 107...

Page 4: ... temperatura ambiente que se indica en el aparato o en las hojas de puesta en marcha La compatibilidad química de los materiales de los trata mientos de aire MODULAR 105 107 112 debe ser válida para los ambientes considerados En el caso de utilización de lubricador se recomienda comprobar que los aceites empleados sean compatibles ES INSTRUCCIONES DE INSTALACIÓN Y MANTENIMIENTO Tratamiento del air...

Page 5: ...pparecchio o nelle istruzioni di messa in servizio La compatibilità chimica dei materiali per trattamento aria MODULAIR 105 107 112 deve essere validata con le atmosfere considerate In caso di utilizzo di lubrificante si raccomanda di controllare che gli oli impiegati siano compatibili con le IT ISTRUZIONI DI INSTALLAZIONE E MANUTENZIONE Trattamento aria Modulair 105 107 112 per atmosfere con peri...

Page 6: ...e komen met de gebruiksom geving Indien een smeermiddel wordt gebruikt wordt aanbevolen te controleren of de gebruikte olie geschikt is voor de omgeving en de temperaturen die worden NL ALGEMENE INSTALLATIE EN ONDERHOUDSINSTRUCTIES Luchtbehandelingsapparaat Modulair 105 107 112 voor explosieve omgevingen in de vorm van gas damp nevel en stof ATEX 94 9 EG vermeld op het apparaat of in de handleidin...

Page 7: ...eller i installasjons og vedlikeholdsinstruksene Den kjemiske kompatibiliteten til materialer i luftbe handlingsutstyr av typen MODULAIR 105 107 112 må bekreftes for den bruken som er planlagt NO INSTALLASJONS OG VEDLIKEHOLDSINSTRUKSER Modulair 105 107 112 luftbehandlingsutstyr for bruk i potensielt eksplosive atmosfærer med gass damp tåke og eller støv ATEX 94 9 EF MS P710 14 Hvis det brukes smør...

Page 8: ...uren som anges på utrustningen eller i installations och underhållsinstruktionerna Materialens kemiska kompatibilitet med luftbehandlingsutrustningen MODULAIR av typ 105 107 112 ska bekräftas för den specifika tillämpningen Om smörjmedel används bör man se till att de oljor som används är kompatibla med de atmosfärer och temperaturer som anges på utrustningen eller i I M SE INSTALLATIONS OCH SKÖTS...

Page 9: ...hjeeseen merkityn ympäristön lämpötilan mukainen MODULAIR 105 107 112 tyypin ilmankäsittelylaitteiden materiaalien kemiallinen yhteensopivuus on varmistet tava aiotun käytön mukaisesti Mikäli voiteluainetta käytetään on suositeltavaa var mistaa että käytetyt öljyt ovat laitteessa tai käyttöop paissa mainituille lämpötiloille ja ympäristöille sopivia FI ASENNUS JA HUOLTO OHJEET Ilmankäsittelylaite ...

Page 10: ... på apparatet eller i installations og vedligeholdelses anvisningerne Der skal kontrolleres om den kemiske forligelighed af materialerne på MODULAIR 105 107 112 typen luftbe handlingsapparater er egnede til det tilsigtede brug DK INSTALLATIONS OG VEDLIGEHOLDELSESINSTRUKTIONER Luftbehandlingsapparaterne Modulair 105 107 112 til eksplosionsfarlige atmosfærer i form af gas dampe tåge og støv ATEX 94 ...

Page 11: ...locação em funcio namento A compatibilidade química dos materiais dos aparelhos de PT INSTRUÇÕES DE INSTALAÇÃO E MANUTENÇÃO Tratamento do ar Modulair 105 107 112 para atmosferas onde exista uma potencial perigo de explosão sob a forma de gás vapores nevoeiro e poeirentas ATEX 94 9 CE tratamentodoardotipoMODULAIR105 107 112deveser verificada para se certificar de que está de acordo com a utilização...

Page 12: ...ουργία H χημική συμβατότητα των υλικών των συσκευών επεξεργασίας αέρα τύπου MODULAIR 105 107 112 πρέπει να πιστοποιείται για τη χρήση για την οποία προορίζονται Στην περίπτωση της χρήσης λιπαντήρα συνιστάται να επιβεβαιώνετε ότι τα χρησιμοποιούμενα λάδια είναι συμβατά με τις ατμόσφαιρες και τις θερμοκρασίες που υποδεικνύονται GR ΟΔΗΓΙΕΣ ΤΟΠΟΘΕΤΗΣΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΣΥΝΤΗΡΗΣΗΣ Επεξεργασία αέρα Modulair 105 107 ...
