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SKU: 647680

Ages 3+

Sir Wrench-A-Lot


LiMiTeD WaRrAnTy

• Illustrations are for reference only. Styles may vary from actual contents. 
• Keep wrench away from eyes and face. Do not throw or aim at people or pets.
• Never run while holding the wrench.
• Do not use wrench where actual tools should be used. This item is a toy and is intended for play purposes only. 
• Wrench will work on all Kingdom Builders™ items and playsets. Collect them all!

SiR WrEnCh-a-LoT™ iS 

KiNg HeX’s 

rIgHt-hAnD KnIgHt. 

He gUaRdS PhIl aNd 

TwIsT dAy aNd nIgHt. 

The Little Tikes Company makes fun, high quality toys. We warrant to the original purchaser that this product is free of defects in 
materials or workmanship for one year * from the date of purchase (dated sales receipt is required for proof of purchase). At the 
sole election of The Little Tikes Company, the only remedies available under this warranty will be the replacement of the defective 
part or replacement of the product. This warranty is valid only if the product has been assembled and maintained per the 
instructions. This warranty does not cover abuse, accident, cosmetic issues such as fading or scratches from normal wear, or any 
other cause not arising from defects in material and workmanship. *The warranty period is three (3) months for daycare or 
commercial purchasers.  U.S.A and Canada: For warranty service or replacement part information, please visit our website at, call 1-800-321-0183 or write to: Consumer Service, The Little Tikes Company, 2180 Barlow Road, Hudson OH 
44236, U.S.A. Some replacement parts may be available for purchase after warranty expires—contact us for details.  Outside U.S.A 
and Canada: Contact place of purchase for warranty service. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have 
other rights, which vary from country/state to country/state. Some countries/states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of 
incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.




WaTcH uS oN:

ViSiT uS At:

CoLlEcT ThEm AlL!

WeLcOmE tO KiNgDoM BuIlDeRs™!

Please keep this manual as it contains important information.

MGA Entertainment UK Ltd
50 Presley Way
Milton Keynes
Bucks, UK
0800 521 558 


Visit our website at 

to register your product and 

to enter our sweepstakes. 

(No purchase necessary)

Captain Cannonblast™

Crow DeBar™

Sledge Hammerfist™

ThE BaShErS wAnT tO bE bEtTeR bUiLdErS bUt 
tHeIr mIsChIeVoUs nAtUrE gEtS iN tHe wAy. ThE 
BaShErS tRaNsFoRm iNtO dEmOlIsHiNg tOoLs!

KiNgDoM BuIlDeRs™ tAkEs pLaCe iN tHe mAgIcAl lAnD oF BuIlDeRa, 

wHeRe yOu hAvE tHe pOwEr tO bUiLd aNyThInG yOu wAnT.

ThE bUiLdErS sEeK tO cReAtE a bEtTeR kInGdOm 
fOr tHe sUbJeCtS oF BuIlDeRa. ThE BuIlDeRs 
tRaNsFoRm iNtO pOwErFuL bUiLdInG tOoLs!

© The Little Tikes Company,
an MGA Entertainment company.  
trademarks of Little Tikes in the U.S. and other 
countries.  All logos, names, characters, likenesses, 
images, slogans, and packaging appearance are the 
property of Little Tikes.  
Little Tikes Consumer Service  
2180 Barlow Road  Hudson, Ohio 44236 U.S.A.
Printed in China

King Hex™

Sir Philip™

lady Twist™

Sir Wrench-A-lot™

Sir Hammer of Head™

Wreckin’, The Ball-Barian™
