How to Load Staples
Hold the Body with left hand, push up the knob (A)
of the pusher unit with right hand, and pull it out
backwards (Fig 1)
Pick up the staples (B) with right and and load
them into the magazine unit with the staples legs
pointing downward; then set them in the pusher
unit. (Fig 2)
How to Open Tape Holder (C)
Put your finger on UP part (D), then open the
cover with the thumb press the UP part (Fig 3).
How to Load
Open the tape holder (C) cover as mentioned
above, and load the tape as shown, and then
close the cover until it “snaps” (Fig 4)
Set the tape. Hold lightly the head of the A type
handle unit with left thumb, and pull the tape
downward with right fingers. The tape will be set
in the tape guide. (Fig 5,6)
How to Pull Out Tape
Grasp the handle so that the tape catch will catch
the tape end. (Fig 7)
Release the handle as explained above. The tape
will then be pulled out .(Fig 8)
It might happen that the tape catch will not catch
the tape end when you press the handle. (This
is not trouble with the tapener.) If this happens,
press the hanlle harder several more times, and
the tape catch will return to its normal position.
(NOTE: This should be done only when the tape
catch does not catch the tape end.)
How to Bundle Objects
Press the tape against the object until it is
positioned inside the tapener. (Fig 9)
Then, press the handle fully with the tape
positioned centrally, and the object will be bundled
by both the tape and staple, simultaneously, the
tape is cut off. (Fig 10)
How To Change Blade (E)
When the blade becomes worn and not sharp to
effeciently cut the tape, it should be replaced with
a new blade. (Caution: Use the Max Blade for
proper tape cutting and your safety.)
Clip the fore-end of A-Type handle unit (F) and
magazine unit (G) with left hand, pull out the old
blade with nippers or pincers (H), and insert a new
blade. Handle carefully, so as not to damage the
edge of the blade. (Fig 11)
Hot to Correct Stuck Staples
Dismount Pusher Unit and remove the staple
loaded, then remove the stuck staples with a steel
wire or a small screw driver (I). (Fig 12)
HT-B 2 Max Tapener
Instruction Manual